Sep 06, 2010 00:19

So guys, Megan's been here since like. Thursday.

It's been pretty hardcore.

On Thursday we got Chinese, and then we watched The Men Who Stare at Goats, The Losers, and Brüno. Megan was mostly asleep. It was kind of hilarious.

On Friday we went to see Takers, which OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG btw guys. We totes saw Idris Elba's junk. Like. A tiny pair of red briefs and then. Bam. He. Is just. Extreme. Like. Much of him exists. And it is good. And hot. Also. Just. That movie. Unf. Yes. SO. MUCH. GAY. AJ/JAKE AND GHOST/G AND JUST AND JUST SO FUCKING MUCH SLASH. And then we watched The Long Firm, which Megan hadn't seen. So shit was just. Epic. Oh. And Golden Corral for dinner and Cookout for lunch. Unf. Yes.

On Saturday we went to the Museum of Life and Science, which I love so much, and then Locopops. I had Mexican Chocolate. <3 Like cinnamon and chili and chocolate. So delicious. And then we watched Holmes and went to the grocery store at 3:40am in our PJs and went downstairs and wrote fic exchange business.

And then today we had lunch with my friend Kasey and went to Target and Megan slept and we had hot dogs. And then we watched my new special edition of Iron Man. Like. The DVD case is his mask, guys. Fuck yes. Unf. And then a Starbucks run and then Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and now RocknRolla and soon Body of Lies and then in about five hours she's heading home and just. Awesome weekend, guys.

We all need to hang out some time, guys. I'm really feelin' this whole GIANT GATHERING OF DORKS situation but like. Not for a con or something. Just to hang out in a hotel room and be dorks.

ILU guys. Also, Johnny Quid is a sexy mofo. Just sayin'.

rl can be epic too, we don't talk about vice, fandom: takers, movie night, megan hurts so pretty, with a penis, friends are friends, meganneka

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