Aug 15, 2010 18:06

New favorite show ever.

On the Road With Austin and Santino

Just. Just. Just.

So. Just. So gay. I just. Words cannot even.

I just watched a bit where. Okay.

Austin is dressed as a cake. Yes. A cake. Santino is naked, taking a bubble bath. Austin knocks on the bathroom door like "Santino, dahling, would you like a piece of cake with your bath~?" And then. I believe this is verbatim. Says this.

"He was covered in frooooth and bubb~les, I was covered in icing and cand~les. We were both there together in our birthday suits, just having a GAY old time!"

Just. Wut. I just. I cannot. I just. So gay. So gay. So gay.

Embedding teaser for the show, but just. It just. It doesn't even come close to showing the full, glorious gayness of it all.

image Click to view

If you only follow one link to a rampaging whirlwind of delightful gay accents, perfectly styled hair, and bromance so homoerotic it'd make Guy Ritchie uncomfortable today... make it this one.

gay gay gay gay gay, anne recommends!

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