Multi-fandom ficlets

Jul 14, 2010 03:49

When Tarrant looks up, Ilosovic is standing over him, laughing.
“What are you doing, Tarrant?”
“Watching the clouds, Ilosovic. Join me?”
Even though they both know he’ll have grass and flowers and bugs and twigs in his hair, Ilosovic lies down and stares up at the sky. Threading their fingers together, he asks, “Any good ones today?”
Tarrant grins, pointing. “There’s a teacup. And,” he points again, “there’s a teapot.”
Ilosovic laughs. “Is that all you ever think about, Tarrant?”
Tarrant giggles. “No. Look straight above us. That’s a hat.”
Ilosovic grins and sits up a bit, planting a kiss on his lover’s cheek. “It doesn’t look half as nice as the hats you make.”
“Well no, no it wouldn’t. No cloud’s as good as a Hightopp hat.” Tarrant’s moment of family pride is lost as he dissolves into giggles, and Ilosovic soon joins him, laughing helplessly as the clouds float past and the sun shines down on the lovers.

Body of Lies

3. Wish I was Back Home in Derry -- Off Kilter
Some mornings, Roger wakes up and thinks he's back home. He thinks he hears the paper hit the step, he thinks he hears the dog scratching at the bedroom door-- he even thinks he feels Elizabeth roll over to wrap her arms around him with a contented sigh. But suddenly he feels stubble against his cheek, and Hani's hot breath is rushing into his ear, and he smells the tea Marwan brings them on a fine silver tray each morning, and he realizes he's more at home here than he ever was in America, and as he turns over to kiss Hani good morning, he feels little flutters of happiness in his stomach that he wishes would go on forever.

4. Why? -- Vanilla Ninja

Hani leaves the hospital, and he feels his grin drop. He told Ferris he shuddered to imagine if he’d been a few minutes later, but, he realizes, he actually meant it. He shivers to imagine what it would have been like to arrive too late and find the American’s gutted body limp against the table, warm blood still dripping out. He scowls as he gets into his car, feeling unsettled to realize he’s actually beginning to care about Ferris.

5. Maestro -- Julien-K

Hani isn’t sure when he began trusting Ferris, but the instant the man’s whispers of the truth about Omar Sadiki reach his ears, he knows it was a mistake. The man looked him in the eyes and swore he wouldn’t lie, and that isn’t a promise Hani has ever taken lightly. Hoffman broke it, Holiday broke it, but for some reason he fell for Ferris’ innocent face and soft, respectful voice. He knows he should tell the man about Aisha, feels guilty for the lie, but it serves Ferris right. And, in the end, what really matters is getting his man.  Hani realizes now that nothing else ever should have mattered-but it doesn’t stop his stomach from twisting furiously at Ferris’ betrayal.

6. Stronger -- Kanye West

Hani frowns when the call comes in from Mustafa Karami. Marwan looks at him expectantly, but he feels frozen. He wants to go get their man, of course, but… he’s afraid. He’s terrified, because this time he actually has something he doesn’t want to lose. Something… something worth keeping. Hani blinks, looks up at Marwan. “Let’s go.”

7. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! -- A*Teens

Roger knows it’s too late. He’s stalled as long as he can, thrown all the brave, defiant words he has left at his captors, and still he hasn’t been rescued. Because nobody’s coming, he thinks. He shivers and trembles, trying to face his death like a man, but inside he’s screaming for someone, anyone, to come save him. Unbidden, Hani’s face flashes across his mind, but Roger knows Hani won’t come for him, because he broke the only promise the man ever asked of him. Still, even though he knows it's useless, Roger clings to the only hope he can think of. Please, Hani, please…

8. Teddybear -- Toy-box

Most of the time Hani Salaam spends in bed with Roger Ferris involves groans, moans, grunts, screams, condoms, lube, and a great deal of mind-blowing pleasure. But the moments he really treasures are the quiet ones that come after the orgasm, when Roger cuddles into his arms and dozes, nuzzling his head into Hani’s chest every so often, murmuring soft, sleepy words that are barely intelligible and still say more than Hani could have ever imagined possible.


9. Truth Behind the Project -- Crisis Core FF7 OST

When Archy realizes what Lenny did to him, what Lenny’s been doing to all of them all these years, he feels a sick wave of anger hit his stomach, along with a guilty little regret for being so rough on Johnny. All these years, and the kid still cares about him. Archy decides he’ll go after Johnny as soon as he can… but first there’s a bit of trash to be cleaned up in here.

10. Stronger -- Kanye West (AGAIN)

Archy isn’t sure what he was expecting to see, but it wasn’t this half-crazed, eloquent junkie in the too-big coat, wearing absurd sunglasses and skin that hangs loose on a far too-skinny frame. He remembers Johnny as the snot-nosed little brat who loved to play pranks on his “Uncle” Arch, or as the tight, sweet little piece of manipulative jailbait who wouldn’t hear the word “no”, the taste of gummy bears and cigarettes mixing in his mouth, delicious, forbidden, intoxicating. Seeing Johnny like this, fallen so far, is more unsettling than Archy will ever admit, even to himself.

11. Oh My God -- Pink

The final straw is when Johnny spills soda on Archy’s favorite jacket. Archy growls, losing his composure, and backhands the fifteen-year-old so violently the boy falls back against the kitchen table, holding a hand up to his cheek, staring up at the older man with what's obviously a combination of shock and fear. Archy presses his advantage, planting a hand on the table on either side of the boy, leaning closer, meaning only to growl menacingly into the boy’s ear, scare some respect into him, but suddenly Johhny’s arms are wrapped around his neck, and the taste of gummy bears and Coca Cola is being eagerly forced into his mouth. Archy freezes, Johnny’s irritating behavior suddenly snapping into place, but before he can react, before he can tell Johnny he’s asking for something Archy can’t and won’t give, thin legs are wrapped around his waist, and hips are thrusting up against his, and it’ll be a long time before either of them speaks again, but the sinking feeling of disgust with himself is already solidly wrapped around Archy’s entire being.

12. It's Love -- Chris Knox

After he finished dealing with Lenny, Archy felt a bit lost. He’d devoted years of his life to the man, and he was suddenly free of that, with no real purpose. Then he heard Roman and Mickey had finally convinced Johnny to get into rehab. Now he measures his days in hours and minutes and seconds and moments until Johnny gets out, until he can reclaim that which he needs in order to feel whole-someone to guide, someone to care for, someone to obey, someone to devote his life to.

13. Welcome to Mystery -- Plain White T's

Archy knew perfectly well the first time Johnny came home from school with his pockets loaded down with grass-he could’ve gotten high just sitting next to the kid. But he didn’t try to stop Johnny from smoking it. Wasn’t the kid’s fault his mum had gone and offed herself, no matter what Lenny said, and Archy figured the poor boy could use a bit of fun during the holidays. It wasn’t like it could do any harm, after all. No need to worry about it.
When he smashed the painfully thin body against the elevator wall years later, Archy told himself guilt was a wasted emotion. Of course, that didn’t mean he could stop feeling it.

Sherlock Holmes (2009)

14. Negra Leono -- Miguelito Valdés

Nicholas smiles, turning slowly on the dancefloor. Henry, blushing furiously, grumbles, “Nicholas, are you SURE this is what you want? Can’t you ask for… I don’t know, sexual favors, money, gifts… something?”
Nicholas grins and stands up on his tiptoes to kiss Henry softly and sweetly on the lips. “No. You asked me what I wanted. I want this.” With that, he melts back into Henry’s arms, swaying gently with the music. Henry tries as hard as he can, but he just can’t stop the smile creeping across his lips.

15. Innocent Starter -- Nana Mizuki

Some nights, after Henry’s fallen fast asleep, Nicholas likes to get up. He wraps a blanket around his naked body and pads out onto the balcony, staring out at the city spread out below him, and the stars spread out above him, and the future, shining and limitless, spread out as far as he can imagine, and Henry by his side every step of the way. They’ll travel to Egypt, to Italy, to India, to America, everywhere, and they’ll see the world together, and change it as they go. They’ll plan and plot and breathe and love and live together, and nothing will be able to stop them, because Nicholas has never felt a love like this, and he knows nothing can possibly stop the singing in his heart. He turns back inside and crawls into bed, falling asleep cuddled up with Henry, and dreams.

16. Big, Blonde and Beautiful (Reprise) -- Hairspray OST

Nicholas grins as he pulls off the shirt, and Henry’s eyes glaze over a bit. He takes his time wiggling out of his trousers, and basks in Henry’s stares. Oh, Nicholas just LOVES being gorgeous!

17. High School Never Ends -- Bowling For Soup

Nicholas noticed Sir Thomas’ eyes on him as he walked jauntily out of Lord Blackwood’s (Henry’s) office, straightening his belt. He felt Standish gaping at him as he strode down the hall, fixing his mussed hair. He saw Lord Sherringford’s cheeks go a bit pink as he licked up the semen trickling down the corner of his mouth. Oh please, he thought contemptuously, reaching his own office. Like you weren’t already thinking about it.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

18. Special Fred -- Stephen Lynch
There are days when Perry can hardly bring himself to admit he’s dating Harry. Those days are usually the ones when Harry does something unspeakably stupid, like the time he eagerly accepted the drink a target offered him, or the time Perry came home to find Harry gleefully trying to assemble his new Lego TIE Fighter. But even though he shouts at Harry, and wonders how on earth he’s picked a man who actually thinks MacGruber was a good movie, he really doesn’t mind that much. Harry might be a stupid, special, borderline-mental idiot who can barely do the laundry on his own-but he’s Perry’s idiot, and, for some reason, that makes all the difference in the world.

The Great Mouse Detective

19. Despicable Me -- Pharrell

Basil of Baker Street and Professor Ratigan have been nemeses for years, but Ratigan knows he holds the ultimate advantage, because he understands Basil, whereas the poor little mouse has no clue what makes Ratigan do what he does. Ratigan enjoys being evil. He enjoys the capes, the top hats, the dramatic speeches, the power to command life and death, the thrill of the chase, the giddy joy of matching his wits against such a worthy opponent… but most of all, Ratigan enjoys the knowledge that, deep down, he’s having far more fun than Basil.

fandom: the great mouse detective, fandom: body of lies, fanfic, fandom: kiss kiss bang bang, fandom: alice in wonderland, fandom: rocknrolla, fandom: sherlock holmes

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