Fic: For the Love of Fish

May 30, 2013 22:37

Title: For the Love of Fish
Fandom: Original/Jessie and I have discussions sometimes you guys
Rating: T
Warning: Your tearducts might be overflowed with feelings for these fish
Summary: Dave and Gary are fish-friends going through aquatic struggles and life events.
Notes: Hanging out in the mountains with friends is apparently the place to get a lot of deep emotional fish-work done.

For the Love of Fish

Gary looks up from his dead bug. It's a water strider-- not as exotic as a dragonfly, but pretty tasty nonetheless. "Yeah, Dave?" Dave has a distant look on his fish-face, and Gary has the unpleasant thought that he knows what's coming.

"Gary?" Dave's voice is slurred. "Gary, what did I do wrong?" Gary sighs, a small bubble escaping to rise slowly to the surface. "What did I do to make her leave me?"

"Nothing, man," Gary says. "Absolutely nothing. These things just happen sometimes, you know?"

"Deborah, man," Dave says, and Gary wonders how fish-drunk he is at this point. "Deborah, you know? Just like. I mean. Deborah. Why'd she leave me, man? What the hell does Thomas have that I don't?"

"Nothing, Dave," Gary says, bracingly. "Absolutely nothing. It was all Deborah, okay?"

"But Gary," Dave whines, and oh fish-god, Gary can smell the fish-drunk coming off of him from here, "she puts down eggs for everybody to fertilize. Everybody except me."

"I never fertilized her eggs," Gary says defensively. He's thinking about saying something stupid, saying that he wouldn't have left Dave, but he isn't even sure what he would mean by that, so he ignores the impulse.

"Thass because you're my best friend, Gary," Dave says, tipping over to swim at a slant.

"I know, Dave," Gary says. "You're my best friend too."

"Fuckin' Deborah," Dave mutters, and he's sideways now, and his eyes are sort of unfocused, and Gary's pretty sure he's passed out.

"Come on, man," Gary says, getting behind Dave to push him to his little spot in the lake. "Let's get you on the soft bit of mud, and I can take the corner by the sunken acorn. Let's sleep it off, huh?"

And they exit the fish-bar as the best of fish-friends.

every day i'm travelin', rl can be epic too, jessie's hair is incredible guys, gay gay gay gay gay, friends are friends, writing, original fic, fandom: fish love stories (original)

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