Recipe: Troll in the Dungeon cupcakes

Oct 23, 2012 22:37

(Alas, I can't find my camera at the moment, and this recipe was nearly done when it occurred to me that webcams would work for these situations. Daderp. I'll make sure to get photos the next time I make this, though!)

Halloween's nearly here, and I'm running around buying pumpkins and making NaNoWriMo plans like crazy! I made these Harry Potter cupcakes to celebrate one of the best holidays ever. The cupcakes are based 100% on the "troll in the dungeon" scene from the Halloween Feast in Harry Potter and the Sorceror's/Philosopher's Stone.

^This one.

So, to kick this off, I'm actually gonna cheat a bit. The first step is: make chocolate cupcakes. Your favorite kind. Personally, I like this one-- salt included, using white sugar, and baked in a regular old cupcake tin (wrappers optional) for 16 or 17 minutes (or 15 minutes if you want them underdone and batter-y, which is great with ice cream!), at 350°F. However, if you have a preferred recipe, totally use that! The point is: chocolate cupcakes.

Now, to turn a regular chocolate cupcake into a Troll in the Dungeon, you're gonna need:

-regular marshmallows
-pretzel sticks (the skinny three-inch kind, not the huge kind)
-caramel sauce (bottled, home-made, melted down caramel candies, whatever you like)

Now here's all you do. Find a round cookie cutter just a big larger around than the marshmallow (we have a set of concentric biscuit cutters, and I find one of those is just right) and cut out the center of the cupcake. Try not to go all the way down. Maybe leave a quarter inch at the bottom. If you have trouble removing the core by hand, try gently using a thin spoon (like an iced tea spoon) or a knife. You can eat the core if you want.

Stick a marshmallow into the hole in the cupcake. The troll is now in the dungeon (okay, technically the ladies' room, but that isn't as iconic). You can microwave the cupcake for maybe ten or fifteen seconds now, if you want a melted marshmallow-- just bear in mind that the cupcake will be a little hot to the touch.

Now take a pretzel stick and jam it right into the middle of that marshmallow, so that it sticks up from the top of the cupcake. You have now jammed Harry's wand into the troll's nostril. We're almost done.

Now just drizzle some caramel sauce over the top of the cupcake. Ugh! Troll bogeys!

You have now completed the Troll in the Dungeon. I suggest fainting dramatically while eating it.

this is why i'm fat, oh god i love delicious food, halloween yaaaay, fandom: harry potter, recipe time, cooking is so fun~ cooking is so fun~

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