Yaaaay, first day of the annual Florida vacation! We always go to the same condo in Holmes Beach, Florida, which is on teeny little Anna Maria Island in Tampa Bay. Hee~ Gulf beaches are really the best. So pretty and warm and smooth and gentle and yay! :D Anyways, I made so much effort that I took photos of the inland side of the island from my bedroom window. This year we're on the A side of the condo, so we can't see the Gulf. :C BUT WE'RE STILL SUPER CLOSE TO IT AHHHHHHHH! Can't wait to go to the beach tomorrow. x)
Behold, the wild cleaning service office, bank, and Publix (grocery store), grazing in their natural habitat. It's awesome, 'cause if we forget to get something at the store? I TOOK THIS FROM MY WINDOW. IT IS THAT CLOSE.
See, even the parking lot is all pretty pinkish peachish whiteish rocks. I love this place so much. :D
Look at them pretty-ass trees being winners at treeing! You're also seeing the light from the sunset over the Gulf there. *sigh~* So pretty.
And that is where I am sitting now, and that is where I am going, because that is my bed, and the Anne is sleepy.
Anne is also blurry and poorly lit, but that comes from laziness trumping the desire to turn on the light, sit still, etc.
Right. Anne sleeps. I might post more photos tomorrow? My idea is to post at least one photo every day I'm here, but who knows if I'll remember that.
Also, less related, TWO YEARS WITH HUNTER YOU GUYS. <3 :D Yay.