Title: Girls All the Bad Guys Want
Fandom: Iron Man/Thor/Captain America/Avengers/Marvel
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: If I owned it, the gay would be way more obvious.
Summary: Bizarrely, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, and Loki, so different from each other, are all locked in an unspoken and incredibly pathetic contest.
Note: Inspired by
Girl All the Bad Guys Want (Bowling for Soup) coming up on shuffle while I had Coulson on the brain. Also considered Tony, but I decided Coulson would be more fun. (/I probably have even more angsty Tony on the way, because ANGSTY TONY.)
Note2: Megan should really stop being so right about how I hibernate every winter and reappear in the spring with fic. It's fucking creepy how accurate that is.
Girl All the Bad Guys Want
Steve Rogers isn't always the most perceptive of men, especially in this strange and modern culture, but even he can tell they don't stand a chance. "They", of course, are Clint Barton, Tony Stark, and Loki, of all people. Bizarrely, the three men, so different from each other, are all locked in an unspoken and incredibly pathetic contest. The object of this contest?
Agent Phil Coulson.
It's the oddest thing he's ever seen, Steve muses. He watches Clint practice for hours before Coulson arrives for a meeting, arrow after arrow thudding into the target, only for Coulson to not so much as blink when an arrow skims his hair during the meeting.
Tony's probably the saddest of the three to watch, all confused sexual tension and heart-wrenching daddy issues, mixed up in a haze of alcohol, and injected straight through puppy dog eyes. He alternates between disgustingly obvious, all hip-thrusts and leers at Coulson's stoic face, and pathetically oblivious. He visibly craves the rare moments of approval Coulson gives him, and Steve really suspects that if Howard were to walk through that door today, alive and well, Tony would have the most disturbing reaction of all time. But in Howard's absence, Tony seems to be latching on to Coulson, and Steve shakes his head at Tony's desperate display.
Now Loki, he's just... odd. Flowers keep appearing at the mansion, addressed to the "Son of Coul" (even though Loki understands modern human names perfectly), Loki keeps appearing every time Coulson is about to walk through a door, to open it for him, and on Valentine's Day, Dr. Doom actually appeared on the front step, trussed up with magical ribbons, with a card attached that was addressed to Coulson.
Steve can hardly fault Coulson for not being terribly enticed by all of these attentions, varying from disturbing to life-threatening as they are. But sometimes Steve could swear he sees a little half smile on Coulson's face, like maybe it isn't that he isn't interested, but that he's enjoying this. Steve can't say he'd enjoy having to force Loki (at gunpoint) to leave your shower, but he supposes he can see the appeal of knowing that you're popular, that everyone's interested. Still, at this rate, Coulson will get a big head, and that wouldn't be good.
So Steve just keeps his interest to himself.