Nov 21, 2011 20:34

With my paper, that is. Unfortunately, I'm a full 10k behind the NaNo goal for today because of that stupid paper. NaNo tells me I need to average about 2.5k per day at this point, but I'm wiped out, so I think I'll just get a thousand or so written and get to bed. The good thing is that now all I have to really worry about, other than the usual class work, is my photo essay for sociology-- and he bumped that from the 1st to the 6th!

Oh, I never mentioned, but I got classes for next semester! This is my schedule:

Biology                       8:00-9:15
Biology lab                  9:30-12:10

English                       8:00-9:15
American History I      9:30-10:45
Western Civ II             12:30-1:45

Biology                       8:00-9:15

And nothing on Fridays! :D Which is how it usually is, actually, but this semester I've had a Friday class, so this will be a change.


rl can be epic too, school is school, nanowrimoyaaaaay

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