Fic: Arithmetic

Sep 30, 2011 12:30

Title: Arithmetic
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: If I owned it, the gay would be way more obvious.
Summary: He's slowing ticking closer to Sora, negative coming closer to positive until the perfect balance of zero is reached.
Note: I just started replaying Kingdom Hearts II, and okay first of all. Good lord. I never realized just how much of that game is one giant "that awkward moment" joke. Like "that awkward moment when your boyfriend's all HI HONEY I'M HERE TO SAVE YOU and then he tries to set you on fire". But second, Unsettled and I were talking about drabbles last night, and I've had Roxas on the brain, so this drabble kind of happened as a result.

Roxas is less than nothing, and less-than-nothing should be pain unimaginable, but he's so numb he can't feel it. He's slowing ticking closer to Sora, negative coming closer to positive until the perfect balance of zero is reached, and he's slipping away in his less-than-nothingness, dying to the light of Sora's existence. Roxas sees Sora in his dreams, hears him in his mind, and negative two turns to negative one as half his life slips past. He's less of nothing, but he'll never be something, and he fades into the balance.

And then he's nothing, and it's already too much.

oh preslash, fanfic, rating: k+, fandom: kingdom hearts

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