Icon Meme (UPDATED)

Sep 13, 2011 16:58

1. Reply to this post with "ZOMBIE BRAINS ARE DELICIOUS", and I will pick five of your icons.

2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.

3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.

4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

For serpentsign:

This is me! Sort of. Not really. This is Anneka, who is sometimes a character in stories that usually involve my friend Breaugh at one point or another in the writing process, but in this case is more or less me, with extra "-ka" added. The hat comes from my favorite character of all time, Akabane Kurodou from Get Backers. (He'd be the sexy BAMF in my icon for this entry.) The pose/look was originally an attempt to emulate a certain shot of Izumi Konata from Lucky ★ Star ("Miyuki-san, good job!"), but I suck at drawing, so it didn't work out.

From Body of Lies! Yaaaay! At one point in the movie, Ed Hoffman (Russell Crowe) tells Roger Ferris (Leonardo DiCaprio) "In the words of the great Sam Snead, 'If you're not thinking about pussy, you're just not concentrating'... my dear." ("My dear" being the catchphrase for Mark Strong's character, Hani Salaam.) Well, Ed clearly isn't concentrating very much, particularly in the scene I capped for this icon... because he is thinking about Roger.  Good lord. Talk about your UST! (He may or may not also be thinking about Hani at any given moment, because again. Talk about your UST.)

B'dawwww, how damn cute is Hans Matheson? Pretty fucking cute, right? This is a cap from one of his ridiculously early (1998) roles, a little movie called Body Work. Body Work is... not bad? Okay, it's bad, but to a fan, it's enjoyable, largely because it has Hans motherfucking Matheson in the lead role, as a character named Virgil Guppy. How damn adorable is that?! The ending is a little ridiculous (the reason for the whole damn plot is "Because I can." That's it.), but hey, it's cheap on Amazon! If you just want to stare at Hans, I'd suggest the gallery on HansMatheson.org. Two more things: I have no idea who the people on the DVD cover are, as they literally never show up for a single second in the film, and I have no damn idea why Hans has a pot on his head. It legit just happens. BUT IT IS ADORABLE.

This one's from The Expendables, and is called "Tool hurts pretty", pretty much because Tool hurts damn pretty. (If "Tool hurts pretty" makes no grammatical sense to you, that would be because you weren't part of the conversation that involved the conclusion that Megan, aka the_me09

Megamind is an awesome movie in several ways, but two particular ways it kicks ass are shown in this screencap. First of all, okay, that damn movie is gorgeous. This scene is about the best rain I've ever seen. It looks cold and wet and lonely, just like being in the rain when you're feeling depressed would be. I also love the way the light works on Megs' head and cape, and how round and real it feels. Secondly, those characters are complex, and nuanced. They're the sort of characters that are just painfully, perfectly familiar, and this scene captured exactly what it feels like to be rejected.

For spazzer_mctwich:

Are there actually any of you on my FList who don't already know and adore RocknRolla? Well, embedding this clip is disabled, but if you want a context for the quote (/want to watch that amazing scene again), here it is. That's one of my favorite little speeches ever, guys. Name me one other time dry ice has been treated as such motherfucking serious business. This icon serves two primary functions: A. flushing out fellow RnR fans, and B. highlighting the "SRSBZNS" status of a moment.

Ohhhh, Mayhem. In case you aren't aware, Mayhem comes on your TV (and in your movie theater, and on your computer) and tells you to buy AllState insurance by being a sexy beast. Somebody on norsekink prompted Loki/Mayhem, and I fell in love with the idea, wrote one piece, and started another, still in progress. This particular screencap, from the raccoon ad (embedded below), didn't have "Mayhem is coming" written on it, but some of the ad campaign has actually put those words over images of a sexy man named Mayhem. Either someone had no idea what they were saying, or someone knew exactly what they were saying.

image Click to view

Well, I already told you all sorts of things about this icon, but here's something else. This is also my icon on fanfiction.net, deviantART.com, and YouTube! In some cases (I forget which), there's a speech bubble in the upper right corner that says "Anneka!"

Made by the lovely unsettledink. Ahaha, draw up a seat, all, and let me tell you a tale. A long time ago, by which I mean just over a year ago, Megan (the_me09) came to visit me. It was a wonderful weekend filled with too much food and too little sleep, and at some point during it, viceindustrious posted the first half of Full in the Sight of Paradise. (Note: if you were about to read that and have never experienced Vice!fic before, be sure to have plenty of provisions, about three boxes of tissues, and a fucking afternoon open for reading.) So, like the adorable, rabid little fangirl that she is, Megan started reading. And... becoming rather weepy. I, a bit of a stoic at heart, blinked quite a bit at this, but carried on with my life. But here's the thing: Vice had only posted one half, and Megan began to hysterically wonder aloud at me what the outcome of the fic would be. Eventually, she became so hilariously overwrought that she decided the topic was off-limits until he posted the second half. This meant that any mention of Vice was met with a loud and final-sounding "WE DON'T TALK ABOUT VICE." It bled over into the dorky little chat!family that is me, Megan, Vice, Unsettled, and Scrap, and it became a bit of a thing to say "WE DON'T TALK ABOUT VICE" whenever Vice did something ridiculous, which is like every damn day, I swear. And that's the story of that icon.

Well, when I was just getting int o the Thor fandom, I needed an icon that not only served the purpose of being relevant to the fandom, but really captured the essence of the derp that is Thor. A lucky pause in the middle of the "I like this drink. ANOTHER!" line from the trailer yielded this lovely derpface, so I used it (and a tiny bit of a yellow color filter) to make this icon.

Now, have at it in the comments, and I'll tell you which icons I want to know about!

fandom: body work, fandom:get backers, fandom: body of lies, the things you people pressure me into, fandom: the expendables, fandom: megamind

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