Fic: Butcher (5/7)

Apr 10, 2011 17:31

Title: Butcher (5/7)
Fandom: Megamind
Rating: M
Warning: noncon, violence (this chapter!)
Disclaimer: If I owned it, the gay would be way more obvious.
Summary: There's a murderer loose in Metro City, and his victims have a connection.
Note: So sorry about the wait. Once you finish reading this chapter, I think you'll be able to understand a bit of what's making the next chapter incredibly difficult to write. This is kind of  a hard act to satisfactorily follow, and holy shit, if I don't get chapter six right, if I don't get that tone and that dialogue exactly right, the entire fic kind of fails. Also, um. This is the first het I've written since... like eighth grade I think. So what... early 2005? Probably. It's so weird that there are boobs involved.

Chapter Five

Roxanne sighed, staring up at the ceiling in the guest bedroom of the formerly-evil lair (only Minion would make sure to include a full guest suite complete with bathroom, linen closet, and kitchenette in the blueprints of an evil lair). It had been almost a full day since Wayne showed up at her apartment, disheveled, red-eyed, insisting that she needed to go into hiding now before it was too late, and she could still scarcely believe what was going on. It was so difficult to believe that she was probably the target of a killer. It was one thing to see it in a movie, on Order & Law, on one cookie cutter drama after another, and quite another to realize that her very life was in danger. She shivered.

The door creaked open, and she sat up, a little nervous. She relaxed when she saw that it was just Megamind, stepping softly towards her bed with a serious expression on his face. “What is it, Meg--?”

Roxie's words were cut off by a sudden blow to her gut. Winded, she doubled over, wondering if she'd fallen asleep without realizing it, because those weren't Megamind's eyes looking at her. The green was the same, but they were so cold. She tried to sit back up, ready to yell angrily, but the knife at her throat stopped her. Seconds stretched by into years, marked by the slow trickle of blood down from the cut that stung horribly no matter how shallowly she breathed. Then, Roxie saw something that horrified her more than she'd known was possible.

Megamind was grinning.


Minion rolled over lazily in his bowl and settled back down in his castle, blissfully asleep.


Roxanne struggled against the black leather straps, almost sobbing in terror. Megamind crouched over her, face contorted by a horrific look of glee. The tears Roxie was trying to hold back began falling in spite of her, hot and shocking against the freezing terror settling in her mind. Megamind gently wiped them away, stroked her cheek in a disgusting parody of tenderness. The slender fingers caressed her slowly, soft skin on soft skin, before sliding smoothly down to her throat. Roxanne shuddered as Megamind leaned forward, lips barely an inch away from hers, and began to squeeze.

The dull pounding throb of stale blood in her brain contrasted with the biting pain of sharp fingernails cutting through her skin, and the stars bursting in her brain weren't enough to keep the sight of her beloved Megamind, lips twisted in delight, from her eyes. This was wrong, wrong, wrong! Megamind's grip relaxed, and Roxie tried frantically to breath, choking on sobs.

“Oh, Ms. Ritchie,” the familiar voice said softly. “Do calm down. There's nothing to cry about just yet.” Roxie pulled as hard as she could against the tight straps as she heard the sound of cloth ripping and felt the air on her lower body.


Wayne woke with a start, then relaxed with a sigh. He'd fallen asleep on the sofa again. Unable to face the silent dark of his bed, he'd decided to spend the night watching B-movies. With a groan, he fumbled for the remote to start another movie, and leaned back on the cushions.


Roxie whimpered pitifully as Megamind moved on top of her. How often had she imagined being with him? She'd never imagined this, this cruel, detached, uncaring domination that left her raw and tortured and broken. She just wanted it to be over, didn't care how-- didn't care if she died, or Megamind finished, or the building exploded around them. He suddenly did something that caused her more pain than she'd ever imagined, and she screamed, loud and piercing.

“Shhhh,” Megamind said breathlessly. “I'll kill you soon enough.” Roxie numbly thanked God. She just hoped it would be quick.


Minion stood at the door, voice shaky, eyes wide. Megamind's head snapped up, and for a moment he seemed stunned, but then an evil grin came back across his face. He moved away from Roxanne, who whimpered again, and stepped towards Minion. “Ah, Megamind's little pet,” he purred. “I'm curious-- how did you find me?”

“What? Sir, what are--” Minion yelled in surprise as he fell.

“Not going to tell me anything? Don't worry. I'll make sure to kill you when I come to kill your master.”

Minion cowered as Megamind stepped closer, towering over him for once. Roxie yelled as Megamind stopped right in front of the fish, and the alien turned slightly to look back at her. Minion leapt up, surprisingly quick for a fish encased in an artificial gorilla torso. He started tapping frantically on a keyboard as Megamind spun back around, radiating fury.

“Bowg! Bowg!”

A swarm of brainbots spilled down from the darkness of the ceiling. “Hold Daddy!” Minion yelled. The confused hesitation of the bots gave Megamind an opening. Using all of his weight, he rammed Minion backwards into the wall of monitors. Sparks crackled as chaotic lines of color began shining down at Roxie. A faint flopping sound took her brain a few moments, but when she understood she gasped, craning her neck.

Minion flopped weakly in a puddle of water, a strange greenish ooze leaking from where a shard of his own bowl was embedded near his right fin. The brainbots were holding a struggling Megamind by the limbs, twitching nervously, clearly unsure if this was what they should be doing. Minion hissed in pain and said, “Good, hold... you.” One bot was pushed forward by its brethren. “Yes, you.” The bot in question hovered closer. “Call Metro Man. Tell him... tell him we need help.”

The bot dipped lower for a moment, as if nodding, and floated away towards the other room, while Megamind cursed and yelled furiously.


Wayne jerked awake again and fumbled for his phone, which was lying on the coffee table. He finally managed to get it open. “Hello?” he asked groggily.

“Bowgbowg! Bowg! Bowg!”


“BowgbowgbowgBOWGbowgbowg. Bowg! Bowg!”

“'re a brainbot, right?”


Wayne's tired brain was finally beginning to piece together the important parts. “You-- I need to get over there, don't I? Something's wrong.”


“Right, I'm on my way. Uh... bye.”


holy shit anne wrote het, fanfic, rating: m, fandom: megamind

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