Lulz this sounds gay

Apr 05, 2011 09:17

My dear beloved BFF Kasey emailed me a link to this story this morning, saying "umm, is it just me, or does this whole story sound really gay?"

Yes, Kasey. Yes it does.

So basicallly!

Butler lost the big game (this is basketball, guys, but it's okay if you were unaware, because once Duke got eliminated basketball stopped mattering for the rest of the season). Well, what's so gay about that? Start with the headline.

Butler goes down its way


...yes, Kasey. It's pretty damn gay.

Then we get into the story itself. You gotta feel a little bad for the guys it chronicles, honestly, as they sit sobbing in the locker room after losing the biggest game of their lives. But no matter. Let's heal those broken hearts with the power of manly love!

And that’s when Ronald Nored, eyes red and tear-filled as well, noticed his teammates, got up, crossed the locker room and reminded everyone what this entire pursuit is about.
He pulled Shawn Vanzant up off his stool and hugged his friend, physically and emotionally attempting to lift him out of his depression.

Okay, that's just plain adorable.

One after the other, from the freshmen to the managers, from the benchwarmers to the starters, every last Butler Bulldog was taking a moment to remind each other, particularly those bottomed-out seniors, that this was about a lot more than some basketball game.

Aaaaand that just sounds like the lead-in to a basketball-themed porno.

So in conclusion: thank you, Kasey. I love you for many reasons, not least of which is your tendency to bring glory like this to my attention. And yes.

This sounds really gay.

oh slash, oh preslash, gay gay gay gay gay, rl can be epic too, kasey

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