Fic: Butcher (3/7)

Mar 28, 2011 08:37

Title: Butcher (3/7)
Fandom: Megamind
Rating: M
Warning: future noncon, violence
Disclaimer: If I owned it, the gay would be way more obvious.
Summary: There's a murderer loose in Metro City, and his victims have a connection.
Note: I said I wasn't gonna post this until I was finished writing chapter four, but gdi I'm too excited to see what you guys say! Also, I spent most of the weekend dicking around watching anime instead of writing. BUT I'm working on chapter four right now, so I'm still more or less on top of that shit.

Chapter Three

“This is Roxanne Ritchi, reporting live from the dedication of the Metro Man Museum.”

The Metro City Butcher snorted. What had that oaf done to deserve a museum, where his own work went unappreciated? But never mind. Soon he'd be ready to resume the project he'd been forced to put on hold several months ago, and then the morons of this city would know what true power was.


Music Man decided there was something he needed to do, now his little buddy was seeing to the safety of the city, before he went back to retirement-- he'd go back to the place where he wasn't Metro Man, wasn't Music Man, but was Wayne, back to the manor. He hadn't been back since Lord Scott kicked him out-- had it really been nineteen years ago? He was going back while Lord Scott was probably at work, to see Lady Scott. His mother deserved that much.

Stepping in quietly through the front door, he looked around. Not much had changed-- same tables, same dusty drapes, same old-fashioned portraits of creepy dead relatives that used to give him nightmares when he was a kid. “Mom?” he called. No answer. Wondering where she could be, he walked into the sitting room...

And nearly tripped over the bloody, mangled corpse of his adoptive mother.

Stumbling back in horror, Wayne stared, wide-eyed. Lady Scott's clothes were ripped, her left arm barely attached to her body, blood and chunks of flesh everywhere. Gagging, he turned away, tears of shock stinging his eyes. He scrambled for his cell phone, unsure whom to call. The police? Roxanne? No.

The phone rang once... twice. On the third ring, it picked up. “Ollo?”

Swallowing hard, Wayne tried to force his voice to stop shaking. “Megamind, I... my mother, she's... can you come to Scott Manor?”

“Uh... sure, sure. I'll be right there,” Megamind said, sounding worried. “Are you okay?”

Wayne's voice was full of tears. “No. Please hurry?”

“I'm on my way.”

The next twenty minutes seemed to take forever to pass. Wayne couldn't go back into the sitting room. He sat down at the table, face in hands, but quickly had to make a run for the bathroom so he could throw up. He sat down on the bathroom floor, huddled between the side of the bathtub and the ugly yellow wallpaper, trying desperately to stop crying before Megamind showed up.

Eventually he heard the front door (which, he suddenly realized, he'd left ajar) creak as it was pushed open, and a concerned voice calling for him. He swallowed, tried to call back, but all that came out was a croak.


Knowing what the fish must have found, Wayne closed his eyes, waiting.

“Oh my-- Music Man? Wayne? Where are you?!” Megamind called frantically.

“Here,” he croaked, loudly enough to be heard this time.

A moment later, Megamind was in the bathroom, staring down at him. “What on earth-- how could--” The blue alien sank down to sit next to him, laid a hand gently on Wayne's shoulder.

And suddenly Wayne was crying again, shaking to pieces in Megamind's arms. “Sir?” Minion said quietly, coming to the door. “I... I checked.” The fish looked nauseated, and Wayne tried to ignore the blood staining the fake gorilla arms. “There's... we won't need an ambulance.”

Wayne already knew that, knew she had to be dead, but to hear it confirmed sent him scrambling for the toilet again. Megamind sighed, rubbing his back. “Wayne, I'm so sorry. We'll figure out who did this, I promise.”


The Metro City Butcher grinned, licking a bit of blood from his finger. One more to go, and then it'd be time for the big game.

Roxanne Ritchi... and Megamind.

where is the slash anne?, fanfic, rating: m, fandom: megamind

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