Title: Butcher (1/7)
Fandom: Megamind
Rating: M
Warning: future noncon, violence
Disclaimer: If I owned it, the gay would be way more obvious.
Summary: There's a murderer loose in Metro City, and his victims have a connection.
Note: I think this'll be seven chapters, but I'm not totally sure. It's about halfway done, but I definitely know how it's gonna go.
Chapter One
“Oh my god,” Minion muttered, sounding disgusted.
Megamind stared down at the mangled body before him, the bones that stuck out, the blood just starting to dry around it, the flesh torn apart in a vicious attack. “What... what do you think it was, Minion? An animal?”
Minon turned around from the pile of cardboard boxes where he'd been looking. “Look, sir.” He held out a vicious knife. “I think we should get out of here.”
Megamind nodded shakily, turning back to the invisible car, parked at the mouth of the alley. “You're right, Minion. Let's get back to the evil lair.”
The man the papers would soon name the Metro City Butcher grinned wickedly in the near-dark room, face blue in the light of his computer.
One down, five to go.