Fic: Heart Rate

Mar 14, 2011 23:59

Title: Heart Rate
Fandom: Iron Man (sort of Jarvis/Tonyish)
Rating: T
Disclaimer: If I owned it, the gay would be way more obvious.
Summary: "...when I uh... ordered the hit on you..." Jarvis watches from a dozen angles.
Notes: Google really isn't very helpful re: heart rates during cardiac arrest, panic, etc. so yeah. Also, I totally BS'd the behind-the-scenes Jarvis stuff. Takes place during the first movie. Also, god I missed writing.

Heart Rate
If he had lungs with which to do so, Jarvis would sigh. If Tony hadn't decided to prioritize running diagnostics, he would tell Tony that the phone is under the pillows on the sofa. If Tony hadn't muted Jarvis to stop the lectures on that level of alcohol consumption, Jarvis would tell Tony that Obadiah is here, briefcase in hand, probably trying once again to get the secrets of the miniaturized arc reactor.

As it is, Jarvis just watches from a dozen angles.

Obadiah pulls a small object out of his pocket. Jarvis scans it, and recognizes a rejected piece of Stark weapons technology. In the next four-point-three-two seconds, he runs through seven thousand, nine hundred, fifty-six possible ways of alerting Tony to the danger, every one of which is foiled because he can't use auditory stimuli, and nearly every bit of power he has is tied up in diagnostics. Having concluded that there is no possible way to stop Obadiah from incapacitating Tony, Jarvis falls instead to monitoring Tony's vitals.

Heart rate sixty-seven-point-two.

Obadiah leans over Tony, speaking to him. Jarvis has an irrational desire to use some sort of unpleasant physical stimulus to increase the distance between the two men. The illogical impulse is filed away for further examination.

Heart rate seventy-point-three.

"...when I uh... ordered the hit on you..."

Heart rate ninety-two-point-oh. Three further irrational impulses added to queue for analysis.

Obadiah takes a silver instrument out of his briefcase. It takes Jarvis point-five-eight seconds to understand what will happen next. When he does, diagnostics on the weather and security systems immediately cease due to a high volume of meaningless data surging through Jarvis. He notes that his own processing cycles are three-point-four times faster than normal. Another anomaly to be examined later.

The silver metal touches the thin white fabric of Tony's shirt. Heart rate one hundred-forty-six-point-one-one-three. Processing cycles seven-point-three-two-five times faster than normal.

When Tony lets out a horrible grunt as the device punches into his body, Jarvis' incoming data starts becoming warped and garbled. He forces himself into simple calculations, slowly lowering the speed of his frantic processing, and distantly notes Tony's heart rate spiking to two hundred-thirteen-point-eight.

Jarvis resumes simple, meaningless calculations as Obadiah disconnects the arc reactor from Tony's body. He watches from behind the wall of safe, orderly numbers as Obadiah puts an arm around Tony, places the device into his briefcase, all while Tony's heart rate is spiraling out of control.

If Tony had programmed the suit to be remotely controlled by Jarvis in case of an emergency, as Jarvis suggested, he would use it to wrest the reactor from Obadiah's hands and thrown the man out of the window. If Jarvis' external communications weren't down for diagnostics, he would place simultaneous calls to Pepper, the hospital, the police, the army, Colonel Rhodes' personal phone, anyone at all who could save the man who's twitching and moaning, dying on his own sofa. If only Jarvis could speak, he would raise his volume to maximum to attract attention, deafen Obadiah, let Tony know he isn't alone.

As it is, Jarvis just watches from a dozen angles.

Heart rate one hundred-twelve-point-two.

oh rubber ducky, oh slash, rating: t, fanfic, fandom: iron man, fandom: marvel

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