Oh Megan. Oh Vice. Oh you.

Dec 28, 2010 17:06

Pffff ILU guys so much. Okay. So. My dad was all "ANNE, I GOT TWO CARDS HERE FOR YA!"

So first I open Megan's. <3 ILUSM babe. Megan's contains a little fic for me.

"Indubitably," Vice muttered to himself as he paused in his typing to take a sip of tea. Earl Grey of course.

The bacon that sat next to him was limp as a wet rag and unforgivably British. He took a bite and moaned in satisfation. Americans didn't know how to cook bacon properly.

"What color are Elijah Wood's eyes..." he said aloud as he typed his query in.

He pulled up his picture and compared it to that of Elijah Wood. "Bollocks! I am hot!" he shouted with an inexplicable rage face.

Oh Megan. Oh doll. ILUSM I cannot even. Thank you. <3

With a happy little smile on my face, I turn to the other card and open it to read:


From the land of superior bacon and top hats I bid thee a Merry Christmas and if this card is too late for that, an ~awesome~ new year!

Lots of love

You people.

You win.
ILU guys and your fabulous, fabulous timing.

megan hurts so pretty, megan/vice is canon, we don't talk about vice, friends are friends, meganneka

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