"Geology is Cool" mix

Dec 10, 2010 14:09

Oh Amir. You know, in the time since I got home, I could have written up our whole thing about that hike. I could have gotten that shit knocked out in a few minutes. Instead I just spent that time making that mix. It's like I made you a CD, but you get the thrill of downloading it and then burning it! Exciting, right?

"That hike", guys, would mean the part where Amir and I spent ridic amounts of time mini-roadtripping it out to a trail that could be a level in a fuckin' survival horror game. We were supposed to walk the whole trail and write up what geological shenanigans we observed to make up a lab that we both missed, and then missed the make-up for because we're rebels like that/because I overslept. Instead we walked for about five minutes and decided to leave rather than risk it with the crazed serial killer we just knew was hiding behind one of those knocked-down trees. Shit was intense. Anyways, on the way back Amir was obvs impressed with my crazy awesome mix CD of AWESOMENESS (The Expendables and The Road to El Dorado on the same CD. I know. Try to contain the spontaneous boners you just got when you heard about that excellence.) So he was all DUDE YOU SHOULD MAKE ME A CD and I was all DUDE OF WHAT? and he was all DUDE OF IDK OF WHATEVER and I was like WHAT, LIKE SONGS THAT REMIND ME OF YOU? only I'm pretty sure when I said it at the time it sounded less vagina-ish than that, and he was all YEAH TOTALLY DUDE and I was all IDK WE DON'T EVEN HAVE A SONG. WE SHOULD HAVE A SONG. but I couldn't decide on a song for us, so I came home and thought of six.


I feel like I should note that Amir doesn't actually talk like that. I, however, totally do sometimes. It's a bit ridic.



1. I've Got a PHD-- Pretty much because it makes me giggle so much and needs to be shared with everyone ever.

2. The Trail We Blaze-- Dude. This is the theme song for that hardcore epic geology hike. We were blazing a trail: a trail of AWESOMENESS.

3. Don't Stop Believin'-- IDK. I can kind of imagine a hilarious and epic rugby training montage. Like Rocky, but less Stallone-ish.

4. Rad Bromance-- This really is a rad bromance, man. Just take out the homoerotic undertones in our case. (Note: the rest of you, forget I ever said "take out the homoerotic undertones". I have a reputation to uphold.)

5. Outlaw-- Copdar. Motorcycle. That is all.

6. Lazy Sunday-- When we finally get around to seeing a movie, it'll be even more epic than this.

amir's this dude who's rather awesome, rl can be epic too, school is school, friends are friends

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