Title: Brothers
Fandom: The Expendables
Genre: friendship, bromance of the non-homoerotic variety
Rating: T
Warning: use of the word "fag" (non-malicious)
Disclaimer: If I owned it, the gay would be way more obvious.
Summary: You don't walk with a man, a brother, through the mud and the blood and the loss of your souls, and begrudge him a few tears when they're all he has left.
Note: references to/inspired by the clip embedded below the cut
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Tool loves the ladies, loves them one after another or two at a time, loves them fast, loves them hard, loves them with all he's got until they drop him like a stone, and then he smashes shit, drinks, waits for the hurt and betrayal to fade, until he's on to the next one, stupid optimistic shithead he's always been. Women and love are dishonest bitches, but damned if he doesn't look for them anyways.
Barney's different. Barney's his brother, and brothers don't change, and some days Tool needs that, needs Barney like he needs fuckin' oxygen. Don't get the wrong idea. Tool isn't a fag or anything, and Christmas tells him he shouldn't say that, it's disrespectful, but fuck him. Tool doesn't have a damn problem with fags, does he, or he wouldn't be friends with fruits like Yang (hell, he even set Yang up on a date that one time). A man can shove his dick where he damn well pleases. He'd just better not try to shove it anywhere near Tool, that's all. Tool knows what he is and he knows what he's not, and he isn't a fag. He likes to be close to Barney, likes the sound of his voice, feels better when he's around and shaky when he's not, but few things make Tool's dick deflate faster than the thought of getting his rocks off with Barney.
But some days Tool gets the shakes. Some days he remembers the mud and the blood and that woman on the bridge, and damned if he doesn't need Barney then. They don't talk about it, never really needed to. The one time they talked about it was just to make sure neither of them was looking for a fuck, 'cause that's the last thing a brother needs, is wood for a brother.
Tool knows it looks bad, but he doesn't give a shit when he opens his door at three o'clock in the fucking morning and it's pouring rain and it's cold and fuckin' shitty weather and Barney still drove twenty minutes across town just because Tool called. He doesn't have to explain anything, never does, because Barney just steps through the door and wraps his arms around Tool like he belongs there, and who's to say he doesn't? Tool can hold on to him and let it out, let warmth and muscles chase the demons away.
If it's a really bad night, if the woman on the bridge in the back of his mind is standing right behind his eyes where he should have saved her, Barney walks him slowly to the sofa, sits them down, rubs Tool's back while he shakes. Barney doesn't laugh the way a woman will. Women just don't understand. Barney does. He doesn't say shit if Tool cries a bit, 'cause you don't walk with a man, a brother, through the mud and the blood and the loss of your souls, and begrudge him a few tears when they're all he has left.
Tool saves his love for the ladies, 'cause he's not a fag, and fuck you Christmas, 'cause that's what they're called. Nothin' hateful about calling a blade a blade, after all. He saves his love for the ladies, but he saves the place where his soul used to be for Barney, 'cause women and love can't be trusted worth shit, but brothers are there whenever it counts.
Even at three in the goddamn morning.