Hi to Everyone!
I want to come out and thank everyone who has donated so far from the bottom of my heart! I am overwhelmed and happy that just in the first week its up and running it has enabled me to donate more than I would have expected!
I am fully aware that the world seems to be one big huge disaster right now. From earthquakes, floods, tornados to wars and economy issues... wherever you look, there seem to be dark clouds everywhere. And there are many wonderful charity organizations out there who all need money to help where help is needed. So thank you again to everyone who decided to support my little idea! I hope everyone who has gotten a zine so far is happy with it and enjoys the story.
So far we were able to raise 220.00 Dollar! This is a LOT of money! I donated half of it last week and will make another donation soon.
I also want to let you all know that there has been a change for those of you who want to order printed zines! I was totally surprised and very happy when Mysti from "Agent with Style" contacted me to ask me if I'd be willing to give her permission to sell printed copies of "A Place to Heal" via her website and on conventions! This makes things much more easier for me as I can now direct you to Agents with Style where you'll find "A Place to Heal" in the "What's New" section under SG-1 zines. You can get a printed copy there and the money will go to me and from there to the JRC. The kicker in this is that Mysti pepped up the zine so it now has a real professional look!
I want to thank her as well for giving me this great opportunity and for the changes she made to make the zine look real cool
So from now on you can order printed zines here:
http://www.agentwithstyle.com/ And e-zines here:
http://home.germany.net/coolpool/Japanrelief.html Thank you again! For helping a country in much need of support on all levels!