Way toooo excited

Apr 26, 2005 10:26

I am way oto excited for this afternoon. I get hypnotized today...yeeha. I am mad nervous too. Well me and Karon found our own place and if everything goes smooth we should be out of his prents house by this 1st week in May. Awesome. Well I am to go and file some stuff. Later everyone..... @@ <- me at about 3:30 pm.

A to Z.
[a]ge: twenty three.
[b]oyfriend/girlfriend: HUSBAND
[c]areer in future: something other then what I am right now
[d]ead person you would like to meet: mmmm Christopher Reeves
[e]ssential item: deoderant
[f]avorite song at the moment: mmmmm, this is a hard one, I think obsession, Frankie J
[g]irls you've kissed: none of the sort
[i]nstruments you play: I toot my own horn every once in a while
[j]ob title: office administrator
[k]icks ass: My daughter
[l]iving places: Charleston/Summerville SC
[m]ost memorable moment of today: watching my daughter wake up was sooooo cute
[n]umber of people you've slept with: A lot in my foolish days, man I suck
[o]vernight hospital stays: When I gave birth was the first and hopefully the last time
[p]hobias: the future and failure
[q]uote you like: Let go and Let God is the best one, I think I got that from good ol Father Tony
[r]elationship that lasted the longest: My marriage is going on 2 and a half years and we were together for a year and a half before that.
[s]exuality: stizait
[t]ime you wake up everyday: sevenish
[u]nique trait(s): Some really hot guy once told me that this one trait that I have is considered “unique” but I just think it is too flippin embarresing
[v]egetable you love: green beans
[w]orst habit(s): I bite my nails
[x]-rays you've had: A lot
[y]ummy food you make: mmmmm STEAKS…………..
[z]odiac sign: libra
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