Oct 19, 2011 15:17
Um... busy?
Yesterday was my first day off in 17 days, not counting last Friday which I had to take off sick (we think it was a migraine, but I've never had them before, so...), and thus I have not been on the internets as much.
Well I have been here; I've been lurking. I sometimes poke on Google+ because that is pretty much where I am sharing stuff nowadays. I do check in with Facebook on my Opera browser just to see if there is anything going on with my friends who are on Facebook only (you know who you are, and I love you, even though I can't get you to try anything else).
But I haven't looked at my LJ-friends page in two weeks, which means I am two weeks behind on reading all of the stuff that gets scanned by my yaoi and yuri communities, and there is a backlog of funny letters about WoW-players griping about random groups in dungeons (no longer as funny as it was when I joined).
So why didn't I post yesterday? I mean I had a whole day off, so what was I doing?
Spending some time being a zombie about the house and not even doing the fun things I planned to do. Then I played Portal 2. I know I'm late, but I wasn't paying full price for that. That being said, anyone on Steam who wants to play co-op Portal 2, send me a message. I would love to play the co-op.
But, suffice to say, a ton of shit has happened. My first full quarter of classes is ending in two weeks; second quarter starts in December. I am busy trying to find full-time work instead of working three part time jobs.
Netflix has become my best friend, even with all of their fuckery over the last several months. I basically watch Star Trek episodes on continuous play while revising, editing and commenting on student papers. So if you want to have an ST:TNG trivia night, I could win it at this point.
I have a lot of things that I want to write about, a ton of shit that I have been reading, playing, watching, and doing, but I have really moved away from feeling like I have to write here... or anywhere. I know, that for the most part, the only people reading these posts are friends of mine, and I really don't feel like preaching to the choir. This is why I haven't been writing a lot.
Now, on a selfish note, if you would like me to write about something, cover something, or give my opinion on something, let me know.
I do feel like my LJ has been dying a slow death over the last two years. Now I'm being melodramatic about it.... grrrr.
And now I'm well into rambling territory. So I'll stop it now. Updates will come when I get to them. I have a ton of other things on my plate with teaching and tutoring and getting paid very little for it.