Time Chapter 7

Nov 15, 2014 22:46

Author: AnnieO
Character/Pairing: 10/Rose
Rating: R
Summary:The choices made throughout life can have ever lasting consequences, some greatre than others. To save the universe The Doctor is forced into a choice that could destroy everything he holds dear to him. To save one...he may loose the other.
Disclaimer: I saddly do not own Doctor Who. BBC does.
Author's Notes: Sorry t's been so long sinceI posted chapter 6. I think I am back on track and it all goes well only 3 more chapters to the end

It was nothing and it was everything.

It was vastness and it was emptiness. It was silence and it was deafening. It was darkness and it was brightness. It was up and it was down. It was never ending it was un-beginning. It was heaven and it was hell. It was the void.

And Rose Tyler was trapped.

The path, once, just a moment ago, so clear to her, now vanished into the abyss around her. Part of her, she knew, had made it through before the breach had closed, but the part that was Rose Tyler remained trapped. Alone…lost.

For the first time she felt the shaft of fear stab through her as the depth of the consequences of being in the void meant. She could already feel the drain on her as she struggled to absorb and understand the chaos around her. The Doctor had told her the void was hell, and now she understood why.

It was in one moment being bombarded with an overabundance of information in every sense her mind possessed. Only to have it suddenly stop and be surrounded by nothing, complete sensory loss. Part of her began to wonder if she was in fact dead and this was Purgatory, but she could still feel the slight tug at her mind that told her, somewhere she was still alive. It was only a matter of surviving until the way opened again.

With no clear path out, and no option but to bide her time, she mentally wound herself around the slim tether that tied her to her corporeal form and settled in.

Rose Tyler was trapped, but she was willing to wait.

For now…


Hands, grabbing him, pulling him away from her, he fought, struggled for release so he could return to her side. Around him he could hear voices shouting at him to let go, trying to reason with him, but he was beyond reasoning now. She was here and his mind had narrowed itself down to once fact…no one was taking her from him again.


Martha watched as Ianto and Owen struggled to separate the distraught Time Lord from the form he incessantly clung to. Jack was still staring in shock and Gwen and Tosh were busy trying to figure out what the hell had even happened. So with a deep breath Martha drove forward grabbed the Doctor’s face and forced him to look at her. “Let go!” She ignored the lack of sanity in his eyes and held them with her best ‘or else’ look. “I can’t help if you don’t let me Doctor.”

The Doctor glanced from Rose to Martha and back again before reluctantly releasing her into Owen’s waiting arms.

“Not breathing.” Owen quickly felt for a pulse against her gray skin. “No pulse.” He quickly laid her flat and began CPR. “Martha!” He paused long enough to rip open the tattered remains of Rose’s shirt.

“Got it!” She turned and grabbed the AED from Tosh. Quickly she placed the pads on Rose’s bare chest and pressed the button.

“Charging.” A calm mechanical voice reported. “Clear.”

Owen pulled back and watched as Rose’s body convulsed as the machine poured an electric current into her heart.

“No pulse.” The machine began its insistent beeping. “Charging.”

The Doctor shuddered at the sound and fought to keep himself from ripping it from her body. “Please Rose...”


He shut his eyes as again her body convulsed.

“No pulse…”

In his mind he could feel the darkness gathering, trying to break free from the cage he confined it in. “Please…”


“Don’t leave me…”


Around him the world went silent as first one beep, then another and another-faint, but there. His mind grabbed onto the steady rhythm that told him she was fighting. She was not leaving him. She was here.

“We need to get her in the Hub now.” Owen said as he quickly assessed her condition.

Without a word Jack pushed forward and picked Rose up into his arms and without a glance at anyone ran as fast as he could the others following quickly behind him. He could hear the pounding of his heart and feel the faint flutter of her pulse against his fingers. She was cold…so cold as if death had already drawn all that was Rose from her body. Well he knew a thing or two about death and he’d be damned if he let it take her from him again. He tightened his grip and growled when Owen tried to take her from him and then tenderly he laid her on the waiting bed.

“Right,” Owen shoved Jack out of the way. “Mind letting me do my fuckin’ job?”

Jack simply stepped backwards until he felt the cold steal of the wall against his back. Beside him the Doctor watched as Owen and Martha hooked up IV’s, monitors and basically fought to keep Rose’s failing body alive. Neither of them even dared to breath as they waited, time seemed to slow to an impossible speed and in what seemed like hours, days, even a life time, minutes ticked by. Then suddenly Martha was their nodding and telling them it was up to her now, she and Owen had done what they could.

“Could you…” He nodded to the Doctor who had moved and took up residence next to Rose’s bed.

“I’ll be in hearing distance if you need anything Jack.” Martha smiled sadly as she glanced back at the pair. “He never told her did he?”

Jack shook his head. “ Never had the words, and then he ran out of time.”

“He needs to say it,” She gently touched Jack’s arm. “Even if she can’t hear him, he needs to hear it, to believe.” With a finial glance back at the Doctor she quietly left the room.

Jack slowly made his way over to the bed and glanced down at her pale face from behind the Doctor. “She’s a fighter Doc.” Jack reached out and touched the other man’s shoulder. “Our Rose.” He could feel the muscles tense under his fingers. “Tell her.” He turned and left the Doctor alone.


“Rose? Come in Rose.” Mickey’s voice broke the total silence that fell after the collapse of the rift, “Damn it, would someone answer me?!”

Alyce shakily got to her feet and took a deep breath before responding. “Code key is Alpha-michael-2271, agent Foxtrot-Romeo 221 is declaring the loss of agent Alpha-Bravo 1. At this time, agent Beta-Zulu 301 is to assume command.”

“What?” Mickey’s voice cracked over the static.

“Authenticate Beta-Zulu.”

“I…she can’t be.”

Alyce forced the lump in her throat back. “She’s gone Mickey. Authenticate.”

“I authenticate Alpha-David-5591.”

“Command code verified.” Alyce reached down and flipped off her comm before slowly walking to the spot, that just minutes before had been the opening into hell. She squatted down and brushed away the dust and debris that had settled over the spot. “I hope you found what you’re looking for.” With a heavy sigh she stood, “Mickey I’m coming in.” And without a second glance she spun on her heels and pointed her mind towards the job at hand. There would be time to grieve later.

There always was.


Ring a’round the Rosie. Pockets full of posies, Ashes, ashes. The Wolf falls down.

She had been startled when she had first heard the rhyme in her mind. She had thought herself alone here. Now she found herself not so sure. She knew that others had been lost in the void, the Doctor had told her as much. She knew the Cybermen and the Daleks had gone into the void and she knew the Reapers called this place home. That is she knew to be fact.

This old man. He played 1, he played nick-knack on his thumb. With a nick-knack patty-whack give a dog a bone. Doctors left there all alone.

This though she couldn’t make sense of, why would she be hearing children’s rhymes in her head? Why would the voice feel familiar to her? And why did she have a sudden sense of dread for the Doctor.

Something was wrong.

London Bridges falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridges falling down my fair Lady. Take the Wolf and lock her up, lock her up, lock her up. Take the Wolf and lock her up in the darkness.

It was a trap. Had always been a trap. Her one clear path to return had become her prison. Now Rose knew she had little time left. She had to find a way out before whoever trapped her here decided they had enough of this game.

The eencey weency Doctor climbed up the waterspout. Down came the rain and washed the Doctor out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain. And the eencey weency Doctor never tried again.

She didn’t have much time; she could feel something slowly unraveling her tether. She quickly reinforced her hold and felt the presence slip back as if considering its options. She knew it would return and she knew she was running out of time.

Hey diddle diddle the Doc and his fiddle. The Wolf did howl at the moon. The little girl laughed. To see her pray caught. And the world bow down to her too.


Alyce had never been one to dwell on split second decisions made at critical moments. In her years with Torchwood she had never once second guessed a choice she had made, she had always stood a firm ground when questioned in her decisions all that changed in less than a second when she stepped off the zeppelin and was confronted with Peter and Jackie Tyler.

“What happened?” Jackie demanded.

Mickey stepped forward and nodded towards the waiting vehicles. “Not now Jackie.”


“No Jacks, he’s right.” He motioned the team to precede them. “No use standing in the weather when we have a nice warm office waiting for us.”

The drive to Canary Warf seemed far shorter than usual for Alyce, the normal heavy London traffic seemed to simply part for them. The drive itself was in silence as neither Mickey of Jake seemed inclined to push for answers. Thankfully Jackie and Peter were in their own transport so she was spared from that confrontation for a little longer. In her mind she ran the moment over and over trying to see if there had been another option left. Each time she came to the same conclusion, there was nothing she could have done. It was Rose’s decision and short of rendering her unconscious she was not going to be stopped. Deep inside they all knew this day might come. Rose had always said if there was a way back and she had the chance there would be no stopping her. She had even gone so far as to write letters and leave Alyce instructions in case she managed to succeed.

It seemed in a matter of minutes they were pulling into the underground structure of Torchwood, Mickey and Jake both exited and started collecting there gear, Alyce joined them after taking a moment to collect herself and grabbed her own gear. All three turned as Pete walked up to them.


He held up a hand stalling Alyce, “As far as I am concerned you did right.” He ran a hand over his tired face and looked at Mickey and Jake who both nodded in agreement. “If you had tried to stop her Rose would have simply found another way. We all,” He pointed including the whole team. “Knew what would happen if the barrier ever opened again.” He looked over his shoulder at Jackie, “she knew to, deep down.” He sighed. “Right, take a couple hours get cleaned up grab a meal then meet me for debrief.”

“Rather get it over with, you know while it’s fresh in my mind.” She glanced over at Jackie, “besides I promised.”

“Alright, go on do what you need, I can get what I want from the boys.” With that Peter Tyler turned on his heel and motioned for Mickey and Jake to follow.

Alyce went and set her gear down, took a deep breath and walked over to Jackie, “Mrs. Tyler…”

“She went back didn’t she,” It wasn’t a question. “Found a way to him.”

“That’s what she believed.”

Jackie nodded and took a deep breath. “It wasn’t your fault. When my Rose puts her mind to something she’s going to do it.” She hugged herself.

“It’s the not knowing that’s the hardest.” Alyce blinked back tears. “what if she didn’t…”

“No you don’t,” Jackie spun round, “Rose is alive. She’s back there with Mr. Impressive, traveling and knowing those two already in trouble.” She jabbed a finger in Alyce’s chest. “She’s there in that daft blue box of his listening to him ramble on about what ‘ever the hell he wants. She’s with him and she’s happy.” She stepped back and crossed her arms. “That’s what I believe…no that’s what I know.”

“She made me promise,” She pulled out a simple box. “Even made me keep it in my pack, in case…if she ever left she told me to make sure….”

“Not here, “She placed her hand over Alyce’s on the box. “I can use a nice cuppa tea,” She threaded her arm through Alyce’s. “And I insist that you join me.”

Without another word the two disappeared into the beginning shadows of the night in search of comfort and reassurance in each other, neither able to voice either fears. There was no way to know if Rose had succeeded in her attempt. They would never know.

She was gone. They could only hope and believe. It had been enough for Rose.

It would be enough for them.


For once he paid no attention to the passage of time. Around him it drifted, mush like an unending river, always moving, sometimes changing, but always…always flowing. He could stop it. He could slow it. He could even change it but he did nothing. He simply let it slip past. Afraid that if he touched the fragile thread that was Rose, she would disappear. Time no longer mattered. Only Rose…His Rose.

He didn’t search the time lines for any hits of what her future held. He watched he waited as she fought a war he could not touch. He focused instead on the steady rise and fall of her chest, of the simple beat of her heart as if it meant more to him then the universe itself.

And he silently admitted it did.

He burned out a star to say good-bye. He’d burn the universe if it meant she was safe.

-Martha and Owen had done what they could. Physically she was stable. Mild hypothermia, dehydrated, and low blood glucose. Simple enough to fix, even for a human. No it wasn’t the physical that threatened her life. He knew the moment he had tried to brush her thoughts looking for the familiar calm minty green sensation of her mind. Instead he found a barren place void of everything that made Rose…Rose.

Her mind still functioned. Making her heart beat, her lungs draw air. Synapses fired she responded, she felt pain, could, heat, touch. The person lying in the bed was simply an empty vessel. Rose was lost somewhere between awareness and emptiness. He was the only one likely to be able to find her and lead her out of the purgatory she was in.

There was just one problem. He had to know where to look. He couldn’t simply throw his mind after her consciousness and expect to find her and lead her out. No, it wasn’t that simple. He could just as easily never find her or get himself trapped; He needed to find an anchor. Something to keep him tethered to this world without draining his strength while he searched. Once he found her it would be simple enough to follow the tether back with Rose in tow. Easy enough for a Time Lord, but he had to wait. She wasn’t strong enough yet.

So he waited, measuring the passing moments with each rise and fall of her chest. Each beat of her heart. He waited, and time marched on.


Who are you?

Around her the emptiness seemed to shift and suddenly there was light and sound. Her senses stung from the sudden onslaught of information. She shook her head trying to clear her eyes of dancing spots and her ears of ringing. Once she recovered she looked around and found herself in the TARDIS control room, only it wasn’t, She glanced around noting the subtle differences from what her mind remembered.

Who are you?

Rose turned facing a white wolf standing beside the control counsel. Larger then any wolves Rose had ever seen and whiter the snow, it pulsed with power and it’s golden eyes glowed bright as the stars it was into those eyes Rose found herself drawn.

Who are you? The voice repeated, the wolf, her head tilted slightly as she regarded Rose.


The wolf gave herself a shake. That is who you were. Who are you now?

”Who are you?”

I am you. The wolf answered simply. And you are me. We are one in the same.

Rose shook her head. “How are we the same?”

Many questions, the wolf seemed to smile, and many answers will come, but for now trust in what I say, for your life will depend on that trust.

”Trust you? Rose laughed, “far as I know this isn’t even real. I’m safe at home in my bed sleeping and all this is just a dream.”

The wolf growled deep in her chest, stubborn child, this is no dream. It is a trap.

“Trap?” Rose glanced around, “The TARDIS”

.Nothing here is what it seems. This is simply a fragment of your memory that I used to make you feel safe, outside of this it a prison. The wolf stood and stalked towards Rose “But not a prison for the body, it is for the mind…the soul if you prefer.

“Ok say I believe you,” Rose stepped around the counsel, “who’d want to keep me here and why?”

The wolf growled low in her throat. The one who should not be, she was never meant to exist. Her time line was only one probable future and not the one that came to pass. The wolf snarled. Somehow she is here and she is the one who wishes to hold you…to keep you from him and him from you.

Rose sat heavily to the grating. “I went through the void. I was trying to get back to him.”

Yes, the wolf nuzzled Rose; He waits as he always has. The child and the wanderer are meant to be one.

“How?” Rose looked into the wolf’s eyes. “How do I get back to him?”

There is one way and one way only. You must be quick for your body is failing the longer you remain the closer to death you will drift.

“And if I can’t get back in time?”

Your body will die and you will be trapped forever. She will win and the wanderer will be lost to madness. Time itself will begin to unravel and the universe will end.

Rose closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. “No choice then.” She opened her eyes. “What do I need to do?”


”Remember? Remember what?”

The wolf sat her whole body seemed to glow with a golden energy. Who you are, He hid it well from you, so afraid that you would burn, he hid it deep inside. You must break down the walls between you and it. The wolf stood and started to walk away. Only then can you save everything you love.

“Wait,” The wolf stopped turning back to Rose, “How will I know if I find it?”

You will know.

“But how?”

In your heart you already know. The wolf’s nostrils flared We are out of time. I must return before she knows I have left.

“Wait, “around her the TARDIS began to fade. “Please…”


It was nothing and it was everything. It was a trap. It was between her and him. She reached deep down and began looking for the strength she needed. There deep inside, hidden behind a false memory she found it. She began to undo the walls built around it. One by one they fell until she found the golden spark. She could hear it calling, singing to her. She reached pulling it to her.

It was time.

She was done waiting.

The house had long since fallen quiet, Pete had disappeared into his office Quinn was bathed and tucked into his bed for the night and at last Jackie had the peace to slip away and watch the message Rose had left her.

She found herself drawn to the rooms Rose had chosen as her own, near the back of the house away from the others. Rose had claimed she wanted the privacy from the busy household, but Jackie had long suspected Rose had meant to keep herself apart, in a way preparing everyone for the day when He came for her. Only He hadn’t come and Rose had drawn more and more into herself ….until Bad Wolf Bay.

It was then Jackie knew He couldn’t come for her. She was trapped in the wrong world with no way to get back to where she belonged…where she was needed. Rose had thrown herself into her work at Torchwood, pulling even further from her family, but Jackie had seen the light come back into her daughter’s eyes and she knew that Rose would one day find her way back. Part of Jackie had dreaded that day while another wanted nothing more for Rose.

The day had come. Rose was gone.

She slipped the DVD into the player and took a deep breath before pushing the play button. Rose’s office at Torchwood appeared on the screen, she sat at her desk looking confident and Jackie felt a wash of pride flow over her. This was her Rose, the old Rose, full of purpose and Tyler stubbornness. Jackie hadn’t relived till that moment how much of the light had gone out of her eyes.

“Mum, I know that you have been worried about me since Bad Wolf Bay, but I know I don’t belong here. I never did: She paused taking a deep breath. “I tried; I really did, to do what he wanted, to have a fantastic life…to make him proud. To fit in and find my way in this world, I had hoped that being at Torchwood would help, and at the start it did.” She took a sip from the tea mug sitting on her desk. “It was a distraction; something to keep my mind occupied, to trick it into thinking I was doing what he wanted. I can’t lie to myself anymore Mum”

Rose leaned back in her chair eyes closed breathing deeply before speaking again. “I’ve been looking into things and I think I found a way to get back, away for me to go home.” She opened her eyes any looked directly at the camera. “If it happens, if the chance comes I’ve asked Alyce to make sure you got this and to let you know what happened. Don’t be too hard on her Mum, she couldn’t stop me anyway.” Rose stood and moved to the front of the desk closer to the camera.

“I won’t lie Mum, it’s dangerous and once I leave I can’t come back. I made my chose and I know that means leaving you, Dad, Mickey, and Quinn behind, most likely without a goodbye. I want you to know I love you. I’ll never forget you and in my heart I know you’ll be fine without me.” She picked a picture frame up from her desk. “You don’t need me Mum, he does. He needs someone to remind him that everything is not black and white. That not everything in the shadows is a monster, that he’s not alone. There’s no way for you to know if I make it or not, Mum, I want you to believe in one thing. I want you to believe in us. ” She turned the photo to the camera. “This is what I want you to remember.”

The image was taken that first Christmas after he had changed. Jackie could even remember when she had managed to sneak it. Outside, the ash falling and the two of them so engrossed in the other they didn’t even notice the world continued to spin around them. Jackie had long since given up hope that Rose would ever come home to stay again and that moment she had managed to capture took away the last of her worries. She knew he would keep her Rose safe, just like she knew at Bad Wolf Bay as she held a grieving Rose in her arms, that she, Jackie Tyler, would do the same for both of them.

“Me and him, together,” she hugged the photo close, tears glistening in her eyes. “He asked me once how long I was gonna stay with him Mum.” Her eyes seemed to catch Jackie’s. “I promised forever and he believed me. “

“Oh Rose,” Jackie could feel her own tears on her face and felt Pete sit behind her and pull her into his embrace.

“I love you Mum,” Rose’s voice cracked and her tears flowed freely. She reached out and brushed her fingers across the screen. “Goodbye.”

The screen went dark.

“Any change?”

Martha shook her head and turned from the observation window. “I’ve\ never seen him like this Jack.” She glanced back to the room. “He’s so lost.”

“I have,” he handed her a cup of tea.

“What if sh doesn’t make it Jack?”

“She will.” His voice indisputable

“But what if she doesn’t?

“She will,” He repeated

“How can you be so sure?”

Jack held her eyes in his for a moment, “Because it’s Rose and there is no way on heaven or Earth he will let her go again.”

Martha turned back to watch through the window. “I hope your right.”

He placed a hand on her shoulder. “I have to be.” He watched as The Doctor gently caressed Rose’s face. “If I’m not, I don’t think the universe will survive the storm that follows.”

As one they stood together watching, waiting, hoping…unable to do more than offer silent support. Willing that for once that fate would not be the cruel mistress and instead would be merciful upon her Lonely Traveler and for once let him have peace.

Just this once, let everyone live.


Can you hear it…

From the darkness a wolf howls

Who are you…

I create myself,

Can you feel it…

Time stops, holding it’s breathe.

Who are you…

I scatter the words throughout Time

Can you touch it…

Around her she reached pulling the power to her.

Who are you…

I can see everything, all that is, all that was, and all that ever can be.

Can you feel it…

A storm is coming.

Who are you…

Bad Wolf

Can you feel it…

The Storm is here…

time, doctor who fanfiction

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