Wedding...and Life

Aug 21, 2009 23:09

If one more thing falls on me I think I might have to kill someone.

The wedding plans are going great and I ain't stressing to much about that. In fact Lissg, Renee and I hit Portland last weekend and found the fabric for the dresses (Actually even found 'em to match my colors!) We also hit a great store we'd never been in before called Craft Warehouse (I think) and found the perfect things (In my colors!) for the table center pieces. We have the photographer boooked and the reception hall nooked. So in this department life is good.

And then...

The House is strssing me to high heaven. We found this perfect site for the house and have the paperowrk rolling to start getting it built, but (yes but-go figure) the govenment has decided that they will handle all the appreasles on land and homes. So now even though our financing is approved (Yay us!) We will have to wait for the appraisle to go thourgh before we can do anything. And if it dosen't go thourgh we get to go back in and take more out of the house we want in order to get it to what they say it is worth. In lamens terms.."You live in a poor and depressed area here you can only have a crappy house with nothing you dreamed of having even though you prooved you can afford the payments."

Gee not upset by this at all am I?


Now supposedly this was started last Friday but (yes another but) come to find out it hasn't even started yet (Kill..Kill..KILL) Lucky for all involved Todd is handling I would have killed someone by now. If we end up loosing the land I will be on step beyound really mad. Again letting Todd handle this cause I am ready to blow right now.

And the final blow.

Got a call from my parents' last Saturday (while I was out shopping in Portland) and I was informed that my Grandfather passed away. We were expecting it but not this fast, doctors had said he had another year, but the cancer spread faster then they thought. So here I am in Washington State furneal is in Michigan, half the people at work are on vacation and I can't afford a ticket home anyway. So pressuer starts rising again.

Thankfully my partents called me on Wednsday and said that the graveside service isn't until the 29th and they were willing to buy my ticket if I wanted to go home. Naturally I had to clear it through work (we're supposed to get 3 days for deaths in the family) Talked to my supervisior and put in for the 28th 1st and 2nd off. Thankfully it was approved,

That was the easy part. Finding a flight that wasn't going to cost my folks a ton of money and not have me changing planes 1,000 times and getting in at 1am..that was a pain in my butt. As it is the airline has me going from PDX to LAX to DTW on the outbound flight. Comeing home its DTW to Salt Lake City, to PDX, but the flight from DTW to Salt lake was over booked and I don't even have a guarenteed seat on it, so I may end up missing my connection and not getting home on time. And me I have yet to allow myself anytime to mourn...I'll break down when I get home.

Work has thankfully said not to worry if I get stuck somewhere. And have noted an increase in my snacking habits (Yes stress=hand to mouth syndrom)

I am currently hoping that things will settle down soon and I will no longer feel the urge to kill all realators near me..nothing personal. I feel better once I get back from the service and I can stop worring about getting there and back.

On the good side though...
Wedding plans going great!
Lissy is still trying to keep me sane.
And at long last the UK verision of "Life on Mars" has hit the US on DVD.

Till the next update on life...

wedding, real life, family

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