(no subject)

Nov 08, 2005 23:41

packing is the worst...i mean, ok, so i may only NEED four pairs of underwear, but that doesn't mean that i'm not allowed to pack 12.  i mean, what if i get really drunk and forget to go to the bathroom??  not that i'm incontinent..don't spread that around.  I AM NOT INCONTINENT!  ok, done.  hooray for flyin bryan and i actually being in lexington at the same time..i think the last time that happened, we were planning a halley's comet party, sheesh...another hooray for jess and dorie, making sure that i will spend no lonely nights...jess+anne+too much wine= the craziest undocumented girls gone wild on the motherfucking PLANET!  game tomorrow night, just washed all my uk gear..is it sad that i have an entire load of (hahah, load) of uk basketball clothes?  i think not!  eh, not my problem anyways, i'm a product of years and years of brainwashing..you grow up in lextown, ya bleed blue...shit happens...these damn murrayans (murrites?  oooh, mur-fuckers!!!) *start over*  these damned mur-fuckers just don't understand...but we'll see who has the last laugh.  muahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahhahahah *deep breath* ahahahahahahahhahhahahaha...ok, that went on a little too long...the webster's word of the day (yes, i'm one of THOSE people) was "nosegay".  now, come on...that'll put a little sunshine on your dumbass...oh, by the way, way to go, parental units, for making too much money..because of you fartknockers, i'm screwed...so thanks for nothing.

words that need to make a comeback:

fuckface (i looked it up..it's all one word)
a-hole (ok, ok, i know it's not really gone, but i just love it)
and, even though i THOUGH i had brought it back, but was sorely mistaked...cheesed off
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