Torchwood Day One and a spot of car trouble

Jul 06, 2009 20:36

 How delightful - a whole week of Torchwood to look forward to. I really can’t wait for tonight’s episode. First off though, here’s this morning’s meditation:

Meditation 166

The prizes for goodness:
crops, cattle

and children.
Frankly, that doesn’t do it

for me, as surely
there’s less responsibility

with chocolate, diamonds
and roses

but perhaps that after all
is the point.

Some good literary news today is that my Biblical short story, The Rock, has been accepted for publication by Einstein’s Pocket Watch webzine. It was published briefly earlier this year at Perpetual Magazine but unfortunately the owner had to close the site due to family illness, which was a shame. But it’s nice that the story will get another airing later in the year.

Other good news and still Bible-based (well, gosh, how holy I’m becoming …) is that we now have a publication date and a title for the upcoming Bible Stories Anthology produced by Bridge House Publishing (which will include my story, The Voyage). This will be out on 13 August and the title will be Disasters and Miracles. Sounds great to me - and I’m very much looking forward to it.

At work, I’m attempting to cope with yet more changes to the parental guidelines document - it feels very much like fighting my way through the undergrowth without the chance of a light at the moment, but presumably it will all be done at some point. One can only hope so.

With all this, I definitely needed my lunchtime reflexology session - which was bliss as ever. If you ever get the chance for a reflexology moment, I can highly recommend it. It set me up for the trauma of doing the Tesco shop after work (groan), though thankfully there didn’t appear to be as much on my list as I’d feared, hurrah.

However, the day’s big highlight must surely be the start of theTorchwood week on TV tonight. A whole week of Jack & Ianto & the gang - what could be nicer? Mustn’t forget the last episode of Krod and his Flaming Sword though (which happens tonight instead of later in the week for some strange reason) - I do have a soft spot for old Krod. In fact Lord H thinks it would be highly effective if Captain Jack simply turned up in Krod’s world and sorted them all out, with Ianto’s admin help. Now that would be an episode to watch …

UPDATE: slight car trouble on the way home, I fear - something rotten in the state of Denmark, so I'm now at home waiting for the RAC man to discover why there's a great smell of burning from the engine. Gosh, he's arrived! So early, hurrah, so I'll still be able to watch Torchwood, phew. It transpires that my air con has broken down so much that it's upsetting the engine workings (it's been broken for a while really, to be honest) and we've dropped it down at the local garage with a note from the RAC man telling the garage man what's wrong and asking him to fix it. Poor Rupert (the car) - hope the other cars are nice to him tonight now he's in a strange place ... All very quick and relatively pain-free - apart from the fact that the RAC man and I were having such a nice chat as he drove me back home that he forgot to take the turning to my road and we started driving to Guildford. I've been kidnapped! How very exciting! However, all's well that ends well - we found a turning and Lord H now has his wife back, unscathed, hurrah. We wait in trepidation to see how the poor car is though ...

Today’s nice things:

1. Torchwood Day One
2. Poetry
3. Short story acceptance
4. A date & title for the Bible stories anthology
5. Reflexology
6. Krod
7. Nice RAC men.

Anne Brooke - wondering where her wheels went ...

cars, publishers, work, shopping, poetry, tv, reflexology, short stories

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