Painting from Life launch day and other writing excitements

May 07, 2009 18:02

 Goodness, what an exciting day I'm having! There's so much news I really don't know where to start. Let's try and keep it simple, eh.

First off, Painting from Life, my short story about erotic and artistic obsession, has just been published and you can find out more information and read an excerpt on its page at Eternal Press.

You can also enjoy the book trailer, and as yet another special treat, here's the blurb:

"Love is never what you think. When a painter goes beyond the degree of intimacy that provides the connection between him and his newly-discovered muse, he is forced to undergo a re-evaluation of the true meaning of love. In a strange twist on the Dorian Gray theme, perhaps the artist steals the subject’s essence as love and art meld into one."

Not only that, but the online launch party, including excerpts, insights and competitions, has lasted all day and if you like you can still join in the fun at the Eternal Press Readers Yahoo Group. There's still time to open that bottle of virtual - or indeed real - champagne!

The second literary excitement is this:

My upcoming novel, The Bones of Summer, now has brand-new cover art - which I'm hugely pleased with, and a brand-new blurb, both of which I attach below:

"When Craig Robertson's religious fanatic father disappears, Craig is forced to return to the home he'd left behind after an underage affair in order to look for answers. His new lover, private investigator Paul Maloney, agrees to help so they can continue to enjoy their fledgling relationship. During his initial search, Craig finds items that belonged to Michael, his lover in that long-ago ill-fated affair, and soon discovers that Michael has disappeared as well. The search becomes an investigation into Craig's past, and, because of distressing gaps in his memory, he's terrified of the truths he might find. Finally Craig tells Paul his deepest fear: that Michael is dead and he himself is responsible. While Paul refuses to believe his lover is a murderer, Craig's obsession with uncovering clues grows, and their fragile relationship begins to disintegrate. Now on his own, haunted and stalked, Craig has to face down the horror of his memories if he wants to have any hope of a future at all."

My goodness, that'll be a rollercoaster ride for sure - in so many ways. I can hardly wait till it's published on 22 June!

So, really, I've spent most of my day being involved in the Painting from Life virtual launch party, doing loads of marketing and updating my website and everything else online I can think of. With all that, I didn't have breakfast till gone 11am and didn't get dressed till 12.30pm - shame on me ... Sounds like a typical writer, eh - but I've been busy, honest. That said, I've also managed to squeeze in making a book trailer for The Bones of Summer, which I'm very pleased with and which I'll upload nearer the time. That'll be the third video I've made, so I'm becoming quite the Ang Lee of Godalming. Ho ho.

Oh and I've booked tickets for Lord H and myself to go and see the hugely exciting new Star Trek film next Tuesday - I can barely contain myself!

Tonight, the launch party continues, but I must find time to pack as we're away with our lovely Egypt friends on a Murder-Mystery weekend in Swindon (gosh!) at the weekend, so I must make sure to take a magnifying glass and a deer-stalker in order to look for clues ...

Today's nice things:

1. The publication and launch of Painting from Life
2. The Bones of Summer cover art
3. Book trailers
4. Booking the Star Trek tickets.

Anne Brooke
Cancer Research Race for Life - just £35 to go to match our fundraising target!

the bones of summer, publishers, painting from life, star trek, novel, short stories

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