Church and the Lazy Queen

Aug 19, 2007 17:50

Much to my surprise, I actually had a great time at last night's wedding evening do. Emma looked fab in her dress, the disco music was just my era and I rediscovered my Essex Girl disco roots. Hurrah! Though I have to admit to not dancing round my handbag - for the sake of Emma's blushes. And, seeing as we're both married to men who definitely don't dance, Pauline (Emma's mother) and I discovered the delights of quasi-Lesbian dancing. Bliss! Good job we're about the same height then. All in all it was grand - though thank the Lord there are no photos to prove it. At least not of me.

This morning, Lord H and I have visited St Nicholas' in Peper Harow to pay our theological respects. It was surprisingly full for a church that exists in the middle of absolutely nowhere down a private lane and near a duck pond. But pleasant enough - although I think I preferred St Mary's in Shackleton (their sister church). However, the pews were more comfy for Lord H and the hymns were nice. I got the giggles at Communion however - I was in line before Lord H and, upon kneeling, realised that the communal kneeler wasn't as firm as they usually are and all but overbalanced on the old gent the other side of me. I just saved us all from going down like dominoes, but was too late to warn Lord H who landed on the kneeler, rebounded upwards and nearly did a forward roll over the rail and into the sanctuary. Now, that would have been grand. I didn't dare look at him until we were safely back in the pew ...

Anyway, the rest of the day I have spent watching "Will & Grace" - a superb send-up of "The Sound of Music" which had me chortling into my ironing board (yes, I've finished the load at last!) - and napping. A girl can never have enough naps to my mind. And you'll be pleased to hear that the imminent sherry crisis (I finished off the bottle on Wednesday) has been solved by Lord H nipping into Waitrose and buying another couple of bottles. Phew. That should keep me going till the weekend then.

I might do a little more to The Bones of Summer - I really do have to lead Paul and Craig into the sex scene I've already written, as otherwise the poor dears are just floating in white space. And we can't have that, can we?

Tonight, there's a film on TV we're planning to watch - "A Cock and Bull Story" - which is supposed to be very funny. If it is, then it'll be ideal Sunday night viewing. If not, well, there's always the sherry.

This week's haiku:

I chop potatoes
and think of poetry. Breathe
starch and soft rhythm.

Today's nice things:

1. Emma's wedding (well, it counts as today!)
2. Giggling in church
3. Napping.

Anne Brooke
Anne's website

church, the bones of summer, tv, weddings, napping, haikus

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