Hallsfoot online, golf and a small competition!

May 23, 2008 16:59

Have finally managed to put Hallsfoot's Battle on the website and you can find it here. Oh, and the photograph with the novel entry is Madeira. In case you're wondering ... While The Gifting one is of Egypt. A free book to the first person who leaves a comment attached to this journal entry telling me - correctly! - which photo was taken by Lord H and which was taken by me. Give reasons for your choice! Hell, never say I'm not nice on occasion. I'll even waive postage. Mind you, the free book has to be one of mine, aha! Though you can't have it until I'm back from my hols, sadly. If you've already got all of my current books, thank you, thank you a thousand times and you can have the next one instead. As well as my undying affection - which is probably in itself enough to terrify you all ...

Have now reached the heady heights of 3000 or so words in Hallsfoot's Battle and I know what's happening in the next scene. Ha! That's a bloody first then, Carruthers. However, I shall make it easier for myself by not writing that particular episode until I'm back from Portugal at the end of next week. That way, it should be easier to get into. Famous last words, eh.

Anyway, I must also say that I've had an utterly wonderful game of golf with Marian today. It was my best game ever, in fact. I couldn't put a foot wrong, even if I tried, triple huzzahs! My tee-shots were spectacular and I could have putted for Britain and not put the country to shame. I think it must be to do with yesterday's massage - my shoulders are still so relaxed that my swing felt different. As it were. I would plan a massage before every golf game I play now, but I fear the money would soon run out. Sigh.

I've also had a haircut - even though I'm growing it - so now look quite acceptable for my holidays. Although of course when I wash it tomorrow morning, all attempts at style (I have a style? Ye gods and little fishes ...) will be lost.

So, tonight I will be making a feeble attempt at cleaning and a concerted attempt at packing. And hoping that the rain in Spain (or rather Portugal) is not as torrential as the forecast indicates. Oh hell, it's a holiday - what do I care? Foreign rain is nicer!

I hope you all have a a fabulous bank holiday and a glorious week ahead, and I'll catch up next weekend when I'm back.


Today's nice things:

1. Getting Hallsfoot online
2. Golf
3. Haircut
4. And holidays!!

Anne Brooke
Anne's website
Goldenford Publishers

holiday, the gifting, golf, hallsfoot's battle, haircuts

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