Happy birthday!...

Feb 09, 2008 17:24

... to Lord H who is just as young and vibrant today as the day I first met him! But without the Salman Rushdie look-alike beard. My dears, it just had to go ... And what a lovely day we're having - though possibly rather bizarre. But hey that's just us, eh!

Today's favourite present is definitely the Terry Wogan book, Wogan's Twelve. It even has a picture of the delightful Fran from Sir Terry's morning show, and I think we're all now in love with her. Me included. What a babe. And she so suits her voice. Marvellous.

Lord H is enjoying himself today (careful, people, careful ...) by nipping into Godalming to make the most of the sunshine and spending this afternoon in Croydon on the first of his Open University tutorials. Well, it takes all sorts, you know. While he's away, I have been having a thoroughly good time with the edit and am now onto page 309 of 465. Hurrah! Managed to get Annyeke's discovery scene in the proverbial bag and even had time to edit one of Simon's stories. Double ruddy hurrah!

Oh, and while I think of it, I did have a very strange dream last night, which will vastly amuse Jackie and Irene, not to mention "Torchwood" fans. I was in the wonderful world of Torchwood, having various adventures, in a setting which was near the sea, with clifftops and a very big house. Lovely day it was too. In the dream, I was Ianto (there's a surprise - I so relate to the hard-pressed office bod, every time ...) and was following Captain Jack up the clifftop to see what was happening at the house. When he turned round, much to my surprise, he'd turned into Jennifer from Goldenford who was wearing a lovely grey winter coat and talking very excitedly. Weird, eh. Lord H says at least I as Ianto wasn't in the middle of kissing the good Captain before he shapeshifted - that might have been a girl-on-girl action sequence too far ...

Lordy, but I need a holiday. Obviously I am working too hard. Which is good news, as Lord H and I will be in sunny Penzance here as from tomorrow till next Thursday. So no blogging till at least Friday, I'm afraid, but I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Oh, and if you're looking for something to read, I can thoroughly recommend Patrick Gale's Notes from an Exhibition. The bloody best thing he's done so far, in my opinion. I was expecting the worst as, with Gale, you tend to get one good book followed by one rubbish one and so on - and his previous one was good. However, NFAE is a cracker - powerful story, great characters, wonderful and realistic interaction and deeply moving. Oh and the best bloody ending I've read in a long, long time. It moved me to tears. Good ones. If there is a weak point, it's Winnie, and Rachel's childhood, but I see why you need those and they're well enough done. I particularly loved Hedley, Garfield (really!) and Antony. Great stuff. More please.

Anyway, tonight it's champagne, sausages, chips & beans, followed by chocolate cheesecake and cream. Or possibly chocolate brownies - we haven't decided yet. I promise to add some salad though, but hey it is Lord H's birthday choice! Cholesterol City, here I come ...

Today's nice things:

1. Lord H's birthday
2. Editing
3. Books.

Anne Brooke
Anne's website
Goldenford Publishers

dreams, editing, lord h, the gifting, books

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