Of ladies' loos and hot men

Aug 27, 2007 16:53

Enjoyed the last night of Glyndebourne yesterday - though I do think that the St Matthew Passion interpretation is less of an opera and more of a meditation. Still, very interesting to see it performed in the highly stylised way they did it. At some points, it did remind me of Japanese drama (not that I've seen much), with a handful of Mystery Play ritual thrown in. Though I really could have done with more colour. Did they all have to be dressed in black and white? I ask you!

Also, it was quite sad as I found out it was the last day of the lovely lady who looks after the ladies' loos on the red side of the stalls, as she's retiring this year. I've had lots of funny and warm conversations with her over the years and I'm very sorry to see her go. She always made me feel very at home even amongst the poshitude of the great country-house opera season, and it really won't be the same next year. I bought her a little something from the Glyndebourne shop to say thank you and there were a few hugs at the end of the show. I'll miss her - but as she has 5 children and 14 grandchildren, I suspect retirement won't be a leisurely experience!

And, as it was the last night, I managed to flutter my eyelashes enough at the very cute waitress at the Mildmay so we wangled an extra two chocolates out of her. Each. Lovely! And I think we were rather in there. Both of us! My, how modern we in the shires are becoming, ho ho. Still, we tipped well.

Today, I'm feeling like a normal human being again - for the first time this week. Sadly however, Lord H is sporting a sore throat and a slight headache, and usually he never gets sick. After all, it was me who promised during the marriage service to take on all marital diseases for the both of us. At least I think that's what I must have said ... I'm obviously not performing my marital responsibilities correctly then! That said, he's been well enough to go to Pulborough Brooks today to look at birds (of the feathered variety, one hopes) and has promised to bring back Chinese food. Hurrah! Just what we need for a bank holiday.

And I've been doing more to The Bones of Summer - and am now at 20,000 words. And really beginning to buzz with it. At least I can see where the next chapter should be going - which is really very good for me, as usually I can't see more than a page in advance. And in the chapter after that one, the two lads should be back in London, so I'll be on slightly more familiar ground. Phew. But my next job is to step back and do some character studies for the cast list. It always helps at this stage.

This afternoon, I was planning to watch "Galaxy Quest" on the video, as you really can't go wrong with an Alan Rickman (God, he's soooo hot) film. But - oh misery me! - it's broken, so I've had to watch "Clueless" instead. Which actually I also really enjoy and the bloke that plays Josh is hot too, so that's cheered me up. But I'll obviously have to buy another copy of the Rickman film.

Bloody hell, how I love bank holidays! But I know it will make the pain of going back to work tomorrow that much greater, groan ... Still, a Chinese and a beer will see me through. I hope!

Today's nice things:

1. Writing
2. Watching "Clueless"
3. Chinese & beer.

Anne Brooke
Anne's website

writing, the bones of summer, tv, glyndebourne

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