Disasters and Miracles

Sep 05, 2009 17:30

 A very up and down kind of day today - again! Though really, it's been that kind of week. Here's today's poem anyway:

Meditation 217

Throughout Peter’s long
and I have to say

dull explanation
of his first miracle

it’s striking to note
that what astonishes

the listeners
most of all

is the fact
that the healed man

is over forty.
Obviously no hope

of any cure
for me then.

And I'm very pleased to say that the lovely Jilly has given her thoughts on Disasters and Miracles not once but twice - thank you hugely, Jilly! You can find her initial opinion here and also in more detail at Amazon UK.

Set against that good news however is the rejection of The Giftingby one of my remaining two small publishers who still have it (I'm not counting the big guys who are simply too rude to respond - sorry, but it's true ...). So, as I like to think of it now, it's one rejection, equals one more publisher to hear from, equals one step nearer self-publishing. I'm beginning to think now as to which company I might like to self-publish with. At the moment, the two current favourites areIuniverse and Yorkshire Publishing Group. But I'll see how I feel about it when I get to that point.

Anyway, today, Lord H and I have had a very pleasant time wandering around Pagham Harbour where we managed to spot some beautiful grey plovers in summer plumage. Totally stunning. And new for this year, hurrah. I'm so glad we saw them, especially as we got totally lost actually trying to find Pagham Harbour. We've been slightly lost before when visiting it but, as Lord H said, we're obviously getting better at the lost part of the equation. It just seems to vanish as you drive south of Chichester - do they move it perhaps in between visits? Really, it's the only explanation ...

Today's nice things:

1. Poetry
2. Jilly's reviews of Disasters and Miracles
3. Birds.

Anne Brooke - making plans to return to her self-publishing roots
Disasters and Miracles - the perfect anthology for all the family

rejections, review, fantasy, poetry, birds, the gifting, short stories, novel

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