(no subject)

Nov 08, 2008 22:19

*Sigh* So what do I do when my favorite 'ship is in absolute turmoil and I really, really just want to read GSR Fluff and believe everything will be okay? 
Why, I write Law and Order! 
Yeah, I know, it makes no sense at all. But I wrote this anyway. My muse hasn't been working lately, I'll take whatever she gives me.

Title: The Real Reason
Flavor: Mothership
Rating: G
Word Count: 98
Characters: McCoy, Cutter
Notes: This could be for the choice challenge, if you squint a little. It's a small post-ep drabble for "Rumble," based on a thought I had while watching Mike and Jack towards the end.

He had brought up ADA Ricci’s death, and Jack was sure Mike thought he had won the argument by doing so - but it wasn’t the real reason.
He had really won by reminding Jack of another night, over ten years ago, when Jamie had said “choose.” When she pulled him back from the point of no return.

The years made no difference. None of the choices he’d made since, right or wrong, had been as hard.

But hell, he’d let Mike take the credit.  Someone had to rein him in sometimes.

And Mike could believe whatever he wanted.

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