Adele Dazeem! Calling Adele Dazeem!

Mar 05, 2014 16:00

1. So the funniest thing (IMO) that came from this year's Oscars ceremony was John Travolta's insane mispronunciation of IDINA MENZEL. Which, somehow, came out "Adele Dazeem". Now you, too, can have your name mispronounced by John Travolta (or "Jan Thozomas", as he would probably pronounce his own name ). My name would come out "Amy Parkinsmack".  Riiiight.

But the Travoltafier is only the start of the Adele Dazeem meme. To wit:

A Google search for "Adele Dazeem" yields 78,700,000 hits. Yes, 78.7 MILLION o.O

Adele now has a Twitter feed. Apparently she's almost as good with names as Travolta.

Well, it goes on and on. I hope Idina Menzel is enjoying this as much as her fans apparently are.

2. Also re: Oscars? Rush Limbaugh is still a big, fat idiot.

oscars, wtf

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