In case you didn't see this on my Facebook -- oh no, not again! (sort of)

Oct 28, 2013 16:18

On Saturday I had an exciting day -- and not in a good way. Slept in until almost 9, then went to take the dog out for his morning walk after breakfast, around 9:30. I forgot to say "stay" on the landing of our front steps, and he yanked on the leash and I went flying and had about 1/2 second to figure out how to avoid landing on my head in the driveway, about 6 steps down. Long story short, my left foot bent under my body and I landed on my back on the steps. I didn't have my phone with me (d'oh!) but fortunately I yelled loud enough so that Lee came outside and grabbed the dog so I could get up to see if I was injured. I was able to put weight on the foot so I took O'lly for a walk around the block, limping the whole way. After we got home I showered and then called urgent care. I didn't manage to get to urgent care until about 12:30. After about 45 minutes they triaged me and put me in a wheelchair with an ice pack tied to my ankle. After another hour I finally saw a physician's assistant, who ordered 3 X-rays. The good news is that my left ankle was not broken. The bad news is that it IS sprained, and I was told to wear my orthopedic boot of doom (which I brought with me in the car) for the next 7-10 days. After I was done at urgent care, I had to spend 1 1/2 hours walking around the supermarket to do our weekly grocery run. I spent a lot of time icing my ankle Saturday night and Sunday and watching TV. This enabled me to catch 3 of my favorite Doctor Who (Ten) episodes (Runaway Bride, Voyage of the Damned, and Blink), so it wasn't all bad.

Anyway this incident finally convinced me to stop taking the dog down the front steps (aka front steps of doom). We're now going in and out of the house for his walk through the garage, which is at ground level. He is getting used to the new routine quickly. I'm using the long leash now because it allows him to walk ahead of me; I really cannot keep up with him when he's on the 5-foot leash. His penance for the next week or so, until I'm out of the boot, is to get walked only around the block and no farther. I'm supposed to be keeping off my bad ankle as much as possible.

dogs, accidents

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