Sep 14, 2009 07:46
1. Had a quiet weekend, for which I'm glad. The most exciting thing we did was watching NETWORK (yes, that one, from 1976) Friday night.
2. I'm sneezing a lot so either (a) I'm coming down with a cold, or (b) my allergies have gone bonkers. I choose (b) since it's September and the ragweed is in full bloom. Considering it was in the low 80s here over the weekend, I'm not optimistic about having a hard freeze any time soon, so yeah, probably the damn ragweed.
3. Winners of the No-Class Awards for this weekend: Serena Williams and Kanye West. Temper tantrums (complete with cursing out the judge) and upstaging an award recipient? Very bad form, guys.
4. Okay time to throw on some clothes and throw together something for lunch. Can't wait to "harvest" my crops later today on FarmVille. Damn Facebook and its addicting apps; now FarmVille has me in its clutches as much as Bejeweled Blitz.
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