Weekend wrapup

Mar 02, 2008 16:19

1. MY KEYS HAVE RETURNED TO ME!!! Good thing I still had the old Curves membership tag on them. I got a call from one of the local Curves locations saying that one of their members had found a set of keys and turned them in. The Curves people tracked me down through the tag, and I picked up my keys yesterday. The main car key and key ring looked like they'd been run over by a car. Some other unimportant things had been torn off, but the actual keys were still there and worked. SO YAY!! I'm relieved.

2. The weather has warmed up dramatically, like to the mid30s-40F. I wore just the quilted liner of my 2-piece winter coat yesterday and today. Lots of people are outside trying to hack at the ice so the melted ice (aka water) can find its way to the storm drains. Otherwise we'll end up with flooding. Oy. Darling Daughter and her friend MM have been playing outside a lot this weekend. DD has come back in twice today to change her clothes because she keeps falling into puddles or whatever. I hope she didn't ruin her cell phone when she fell into that puddle/stream about 2 hours ago. She took the phone apart and is letting the insides air-dry. Cross your fingers that that works.

3. I did a lot of RPing this weekend. Katie Bell had a birthday party at road_ahead and all my characters attended. The party's not done yet and it's been a lot of fun. Now that I'm caught up on my own LJ I'll be drifting back there.

4. Stolen from inell:

There are casting opportunities at road_ahead! We have several characters that we really want recast ASAP. So, if you've been thinking about joining an RPG or you've been following road_ahead and want to participate, maybe one of these characters will speak to you! The casting list is here, but we are open for applications for the following:

Dean Thomas, who is sharing a house with Seamus & Neville, working as an apprentice to Ollivander, and going back for NEWTs. Pansy Parkinson, who is really open for development as she's just attending classes and working part-time selling beauty potions. Michael Corner, who is sharing a house with Greg Goyle & Draco Malfoy, working as an intern in International Magical at the Ministry, and attending classes at Hogwarts. Susan Bones, who is getting ready for NEWT courses and interning in Magical Law. There's also Theodore Nott, Anthony Goldstein, Marcus Flint, and more, both recast and brand new. We really need (would beg lots) for Dean Thomas, Pansy Parkinson, Susan Bones, and Michael Corner. We have cast characters desperately wanting those characters played for interaction/plotting. NOTE from Anne: I'm one of the begging cast; Terry Boot's missing both of his best mates (Anthony and Michael) a lot. *pleads*

The game is focused on characterization and interaction, and it goes for realism versus crack or simply smut/shipping. The Mods are actively involved, so if you prefer an environment where they aren't, it's not the game for you. The Mods will totally help get you up to speed, as will other players! It's an amazing cast of newbies and RP experienced, and just a lovely creative environment. The application is here, and just needs to be sent to rarmods@gmail.com once complete. If you have any questions talk to inell1331 on YM and inell13@gmail.com i. *crosses fingers and toes*

rl: weather, yay, rl: annoyances, lj: rar

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