Dec 02, 2007 11:21
1. So we got only maybe 3-4 inches of snow. Which wouldn't have been bad, had it been fluffy light stuff. But it wasn't, really, and then there was sleet, and then hail, and then freezing rain, and finally rain. I was supposed to subsitute-teach in the high-school religious education class today; I had everything prepared and was looking forward to it. I would have to get to church by 9:45 to do that. Because of the crap weather I planned to skip choir practice as I would have had to get there by 9:00 or 9:15. At 8:45 Mr. Annearchy went outside and started shoveling snow from the driveway. He couldn't use the snow blower because it just can't handle heavy wet crap. Around 9:20 I went out to help him and he still hadn't finished shoveling a path wide enough to get even one car out of our 2-car garage. At 9:30 the street hadn't been plowed yet, meaning that even if we got the car down the driveway, it would probably get stuck in the street :( So we gave up on the idea of getting to church on time. There's a semi-annual parish meeting at 11:45 *watches clock* and I was hoping to get to that, but our street is still unplowed, meaning we'd get stuck before we got to the next corner. church or meeting for us. And I'm stuck at home with a bored, ornery preteen who's been stuck at home all but 1 day the past 7, due to the flu. Ugh.
ETA: Snow plow finally made its first pass at 12:15 p.m. It's now going by on its 6th pass down the street. I think the pile of snow pushed into the end of our driveway is about 18 inches high. Poor DH is going out to deal with it:(
2. Anyone else planning to watch TIN MAN on Sci Fi tonight? We're going to videotape it (yes, we still have a VCR, no DVR or TIVO for us antedeluvians :P Anyway the previews have looked excellent.
rl: weather,
rl: church,