
Jul 08, 2006 21:32

1. It's great what a good night's sleep (following half a Xanax, after having a panic attack) can do for you. I woke up feeling pretty good today; yesterday's troubles were mostly forgotten. We had a bit of drama with M. around noon, drama that resulted in her having a fairly serious asthma attack but we didn't have to take her to urgent care or call the rescue squad, thank goodness. By the time she and I went out to lunch, it was almost 2:00 p.m. After that I dropped her off at PetsMart, where she was supposedly looking for a new hamster, since the drama came from her being despondent about no longer having a cuddly pet (the fish is nice, but not cuddly). I went to Shopko, nearby, and bought a few things, then went back to PetsMart to see what hamster she had chosen. When I found her she informed me she now wanted a guinea pig. We'd discussed getting a guinea pig earlier this summer, but today she'd talked about a hamster, which would have enabled us to re-use the refurbished cages from the late Frisky, who died in April.

So...anyway... we ended up getting a mostly white, male guinea pig with patches of pale gray on his rump. M. wanted his name to be play on his white fur. She didn't like Whitey, or Mr. White, or Monsieur Blanc, or Senor Blanco. Then I suggested another language and suddenly Latin came up.

ME: You know what word means WHITE in Latin?
M: No, what?
ME: ALBUS. (like Dumbledore)
M. Ahhh! Albus. Albus Presley.

So the guinea pig is named ALBUS PRESLEY.

2. Tomorrow, HARRY AND THE POTTERS will be playing at a big bookstore here. Opening act (LOL) is Draco and the Malfoys (whoever they are). M. and I might go see them at the mall after lunch.

3. Okay, I'm way behind on everything I was supposed to do the last few days. Better get cracking on them. Yeah, right. *laughs at self*

4. ETA: In case you missed my earlier post from a few days ago, I've got a new journal called annethology, specifically for fics rated G-PG13 (All to Teen). Feel free to friend that journal as I won't be posting any fics in this journal anymore.

music, pets

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