contact + permissions

Apr 07, 2010 22:19

Hello readers! This is Silver (annealoncemore )'s contact and permissions post for wonderlandwars . Feel free to drop me a comment here about any plots you want to do, any suggestions/comments/complaints about how I'm playing the character, or... just anything in general, really.


Threadjacking/threadhopping?: Sure, if it's appropriate.
4th-walling?: If you have a character who knows this canon, I as a player am dying to meet them, so, sure! Silver won't believe you, though.
Backtagging: Definitely!
Fighting/maiming?: Fighting yes at all times, maiming... depends on what it is? As a player I'm very easily squicked by any permanent injuries more serious than scarring, so please contact me first.
Death?: Again, would prefer if you contact me, but in a general sense - yes, usually.
Kissing/hugging/badtouching/etc?: I would absolutely love to see you try, and think it will make for hilarious character development, since Silver is the least sexual person in the world.
Relationships: Again: trying to sex up Silver is like trying to flirt with a tomato. I encourage you to try, but don't be disappointed! ;)

And a general rule of thumb with me: I'm fairly easygoing, so if you're unsure, don't fret about it! I'd rather you jump on a fantastic opportunity than let it go past just because I might be offended, so - when it comes to Silver, use your discretion, and just do it. ♥
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