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Oct 18, 2011 12:20

I am stealing a few blissful minutes to myself during Theo's nap to update my journal and also read my sadly-neglected friends page. Now that I've started this post, I'm sure he'll be awake and raring to go in five minutes.

The weekend was really great. The time that I got to spend with Claire was really lovely. She was in a grumpy mood for the first part of the weekend (Friday night to Saturday afternoon), but perked up Saturday evening. Saturday during the day she went down to U of T to study. A friend of mine works at one of the libraries there and I'd asked her which library was the quietest. She recommended Knox Library and she was seriously right. Claire said that when she unwrapped a cough drop three people turned to stare at her. It was exactly the kind of atmosphere she wanted, since apparently the library at Laurier is pretty loud. Also, Knox College is beautiful - they have this gorgeous courtyard with a big, covered stone walkway. I think that Theo and I might have to go hang out there when the weather is nicer.

While Claire was studying, Theo and I went to the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) since it's right next to U of T and all. Aaaand I ended up buying a membership. So we now have memberships to the AGO and the ROM. I justified it by the fact that a family membership is basically the price of three visits for Matt and I, and they have a cool kids' area that Theo had fun playing in, and it's right down the street from us. I feel like we will be there a lot this winter. Our AGO membership has already paid for itself, and we just got it in June, so I am feeling pretty good about that decision.

Saturday evening Claire & I went shopping at Whole Foods so that I could get her some healthy non-perishable food (residence food being what it is), and then we went out for sushi. Matt and Theo stayed home, so it was just the two of us, and I feel like it was maybe the first time we had a real grown-up conversation. Actually, this whole weekend was the first time in a looooong time that we've spent this much time together without one of us getting defensive/bitchy/upset.

Sunday I started my teacher training, which was SO GREAT. I am so excited about this now. SO excited. I think that I have been really missing being in an environment where I am learning something new. I have been totally thirsty for new knowledge, so the whole day was just wonderful. Matt had a bit of a rougher day with Theo - he didn't want to nap (which I kind of thought might happen, due to Matt's lack of breasts), and he was a bit fussier than usual. In the afternoon they went to visit audrawilliams to watch MS3TK and eat delicious waffles and, of course, they had a blast. I am so sad that I had to miss that.

OH and yesterday we made apple noodle kugel and it turned out AMAZINGLY. When we were in Kingston over Thanksgiving, we went to an apple farm (sadly missing the pick-your-own season by ONE DAY) and bought a ton of apples. I was racking my brain, trying to figure out things to make with them, when I remembered the kugel that my friend Anna made for me right after Theo was born. Kugel is a traditional Jewish dish, similar to a casserole or a pie. I think that it's usually served as a side-dish, but we had it as the main course.

I used this recipe. The only changes that I made were that I used half of the sugar the recipe called for, and two thirds of the butter, and instead of using the juice of half an orange and half a lemon, I used the juice of a whole lemon. It was so, so, so good. Apples + cinnamon + noodles + eggs = the perfect autumn comfort food.

Check it out:

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