Nov 21, 2006 07:19
::from a dimmly lit dorway you hear the frustrated sounds of finders to a keyboard or two, along with a few clicks of the mouse . after a few short moments a large desktop is launchedout of the room followed by a cry of anger, along with a few...colorful words::
....WHY YOU STUPED *(^*&%*& I'M GONNA %)(&&&&^% RIP YOU TO ^(&(&%*&&&% PEICES!! YOU &^*^(* *#*#*$^%& (*^@#^*()*& YOU %(%*&% &**)$@%%#^ I'M GONNA %^()&^%#%%** AND THEN I'LL ( $(%*^&^%*&* &%^^$^%$^
::emerges from the room, her hair in bits and strings as she ajusts her apperance for the viewers:: forgive me for my rudness, my computes are just...not working for me....
ok, I know that has it's perks, but to get the music that I really want, I would have to sell my soul or something!
ugh....computers...the only persons who understand them better than i do are my bf and my friend who bloody built his computer from scratch -_-, how i envy you both...
in other news, LARPNESS!!! oh holy day of days! it was a wonder....that is if I got to go on more bloody MODS >.<
ok here is the whole highlight of teh events:
once arrived we are told teh goblins are attacking the city walls, simple enough. except that most of them were BLOODY GHOSTS!!! so as we killed goblin after goblin some of them phased in to take a kill...but ended up dying, but it asn't helping us...
.....::takes a microphone to his ear:: WE COULD HAVE REALLY USED YOU AT THAT POINT ISADO-SAN!!!!!!!! ::lowers microphone:: bloody cheetah -.- of all teh days....
anyways! so after that mod there was the Farms-under-attack MOD that both guilds went on. we took on some sort of alpha-trolls or something the entire time cause these monsters regenerated in less than 20 seconds! i mean, hells I even almost died on that mods, if it weren't for the nearby contractor being able to restore limbs and life! ugh -_- wonderful...
but all and all we got paid, and saved a few lives, and that's what counts.
but, saddly after that there were no other mods that my guild could go on. cause the bloody kings had them all already! i mean regian isn't so bad if you get to know her, but still, give me a break!
so yes, as i lounged in the tavern (whilst Gabriel was tested by the other four knights for higher ranking outside) Gypsys happen by, and who should be with them...Valentine! aparantly she belonged to a gypsy family. huh, who knew...
so the elder woman , Omah, told fortunes to three people; Patches, Riply, and some elf chick i can't remember her name.
oh yes, Patches....oh god am I glad i met this character on this event, from how i've been feeling for teh past...who knows how long...i could have used something like a laugh. and he got more than that out of me n.n.
in any case, later that night the GM's recruted people lying around for an NPC job. Bandits apparantly.
we were suposed to keep captive a plant-ent mushroom...yes you heard me...a mushroom...and all of us were to die and the plant-ent be saved. but becase gabe was with us...and he doesn't like losing, we all desided that instead of giving him up so easy, we kill it if it comes to it. though bob (the mushroom) and luke (later replaced bob cause of loss of glasses on bobs part) did't like it, gabe did it anyways.
though it was a good plan in all for us to win on, it didn't make Misha and Drew very sirry. so they did a whole re-write on the mod ending. ah well...
it was fun being a bandit, seeing as how I got to try out some sneek-attack skills on people. though i found out a few things:
1) it's pitch dark, and I can't see crap unless by the dim light of a street lamp across the street a few 40/50 yards away. and even then i still can't freggen see!
2) when you can't see, you tend into things....such as trees...or saplings....or even pines that are your size, yet are so bendable that you run right. over. them.
3) not being able to tell what is water and what is a hold in the ground really, really...SUCKS!
ok, so i ran into....oh say 10 trees that entire mod. and i made at least 3-5 kills. so i was proud of that. but what i still hated was that i got crotch smacked by at least 10 trees/bushes/saplings that entire time. one of them in fact i ran into so fast, that by the time i stopped, it was already halfway bent under me, so my only choice was to keep going, and get pine fresh sent in my crotch.
...mmmmm....pine fresh wonderful...
that and i fell backwards into a ditch trying to find the others at the near end of it. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.........
speaking of weee...the nintendo Wii...oh my god...
yes I have seen it and played it...holy crap i jizzed myself ><
and yes, AUSA was this weekend, sad, I wanted to go too...go to the raves and see how they were (laura&john were gonna pay for me after all) but i desided not to. even on sunday i couldn't get up the strength to go. one part was because of the event, and another was cause...well yeah..I'm going broke now...
see...I now have to pay 90$ for the house to be cleaned every other week...yeah, don't say it..I know, I'm an idiot.
in other news, it's another uneventful thanksgiving! no relitives, save one uncle who isn't even remotley my family. but I hope I feel better by then.
ok, It's like....almost 2 in the morn and my insomnia and paranoia have presented in the worst fashion. well thats one thing that I picked up from Sheldon thats all i can type for now without killing myself dying at the keyboard sleep. so I shall go
Anne Likes it when you post, yesssss
thats i all
Ask Jack exerp-
"Dear Jack, whats it like to have Vallov follow you everywere?"
Jack - Well to tell the truth, it was kinda creepy at first. but then it was like having a dog...
::glances over to his left:: a really really Big Dog that loomes over everybody
::Vallov is seen standing next to him, jack grimmises:: would you get out of here?!
::dog wimpers are heard as Vallov leaves with a frown::