Apr 14, 2007 22:51
Today we had some decent challengers! I gave out two badges and defeated three more trainers, but just barely. Horsea had her hands full with an Ivysaur, who ultimately won with leech seed. Azurill and her awesome bubble took it down though, and just barely managed to defeat a really strong Pidgey.
The next trainer used Metapod, which Azurill's bubble sent flying into a wall. It was very satisfying - until he evolved, crushing my poor Azurill. Horsea was also taken down by the Butterfree.
I was just glad though, that no one used a Charmander. A girl tried using a Pikachu, but he seemed to be newly caught and had a weak thundershock. She had a Bulbasaur up her sleeve though, and she ended up winning. Leech seed is powerful... Perhaps I should take a leaf from Brendan and teach someone ice beam or blizard? I don't know who would be good to learn it, though. Maybe, if I work hard with Horsea