Mar 27, 2007 20:40
so... haven't updated in awhile, so much stuff going on. my last visit to the doctor's went fine, gaining weight perfectly, got to hear the heartbeat. oh my god, that was the most awesome thing i've ever heard in my whole life... so fast! i was so glad i went home and picked up alex first, so he got to hear it too. he is so into this pregnancy thing, it's not even funny. but i had a scare when i was at work today, right at the end of break(i went back to the knife cutlery job, more hours = more money)i got a really sharp pain/cramp in my lower left groin area. it hurt so bad, it brought tears to my eyes(not like that's hard to do right now, i'm so damned emotional) so i went and told my boss, and asked if i could go to the doctor's; which is about 8 minutes away. i was back at work within a half hour. my doctor said it was good that i was worried and came to find out, but that it's completly normal. she said i was having early contractions, something your body does to get ready for labor. just the muscles contracting and what not. whatever, it really hurt. she said as long as i'm not bleeding or in serious, constant pain, that everything was normal. it subsided, and i had a couple of minor ones after that. elizabeth was moving around more today than ever, she's getting bigger every day, or at least i am. as soon as i got home from work, i laid on the bed, undid my pants, and just stared at my belly jumping and moving. it's so neat! i think i was bonding with her... :) i can't wait for her to be born. hey pam, i got the baby magazine you ordered for me, thank you so much. oh, it's getting harder and harder to do normal everyday things like i used to, but it's alright. it will all be worth it in a couple of months. i can't wait. i guess that's all for now. the big fat momma!