Jun 09, 2004 23:02
Well today I spent hours cleaning out my old room among other rooms in the house. We are having a garage sale. WE have tons of stuff aka "crap" that we dont need. I filled up lots of trash bags and it felt good. I even cleaned out a storage bin that has a bunch of letters, keepsakes, old notes that I used to pass in school, love letters, etc. I kept so many old cards that I narowed them down to ones that really meant alot. I hvae prob over 20 journals dating back to the first grade too. I have kept those of course, but sometimes I think that I should burn them , they have so much drama in them. I cracked up at my old notes that I passed when i was in junior high and high school. I came across one letter that really made me laugh, it was a note passed between my friend Tara and my other friend Justin. In the note Tara is advising Justin to ask me out, she told him to wait til the next day and see what kind of mood I was in and then go in for the kill. Her advice worked because we ended up going out....for two weeks. One of those weeks he was out of town! Whats funny though is that we are still good buds. I ended up going to the prom with him in Michigan, he flew me down. I was afraid of flying so I flew my friend Reg down so I wouldnt have to fly alone! We ended up ditching our senior trip and chillin in Miichigan for a week with our good ole pal Justin. I had a swell time at the prom, it was nice of Justin to fly me down bc he knew that I wouldnt ever be able to experience prom bc they didnt have one at the tiny school that I went to. It was a fun night and I will never forget it, especially being on the dance floor, it was scary. I am glad that it was dark!
Anyways it was a good day full of memories. I read all of the sweet inspiring letters that friends wrote to me. nd I went through old pics. My senior year of highschool was awesome. Me and the girls had so much fun. There was such a bigtransformation in all of our lives that year. So much growth and laughs. God is good. Anyways I am sure that this entry probablly is not going to interest anyone, I know that it was rather dull...sorry.