Particle physics? Digital Electronics? Philosophy? History? War Stories? Electromagnetism? Chemistry? Networking? Programming? Medicine? Anatomy? Psychology? Telecommunications? Hacking? Phreaking? Woodworking? Radio Science? Aircraft? Watercraft? Alternative Fuels? HTML? Musicians? Architecture? Video Games? Government? Finances? I can get you started on any of the above if you're interested. =p
Atomic Phsysics, short stories, underground magazine, particle acceleration, online magazine, build a computer, design clothing, design chemically efficient solar cells, take classes at Ivy Tech, research intelligent design, evolutionary theory.
SCIENCE? who the fuck likes science. Certainly not me and the rest of the world. And computers are totally dead. NO ONE uses computers now a days. wtf, your ideas are stuuupiiidd.
It's ironic after I just had that huge rant with you about the importance of a hobby and all that significance of finding passion in what you do that the definition of hobby is almost the complete opposite of what I described.
haha I can't be serious about anything.ohsogreenFebruary 14 2007, 06:25:32 UTC
unicorns, making forts, coloring books, tea parties, hehehe. sorrry. Hm I KNNOW, start ice sculpting. How awesome would that be. Your first sculpture could be of me! how pretty!
Comments 12
I can get you started on any of the above if you're interested. =p
I definitely need to find a hobby before I find what my life's passion is.
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