Oct 23, 2015 22:45
I started my day off with clarifying somethings with my boss' boss, Rob. I re-entered some tickets that Kevin had closed because Scott was let go. I did ask Kevin about the tuxedos. He told me he was joking. I told him he was funny. A bit later Kevin came to our area to install the computer for a new guy were getting on Monday. So, he was around. 😍 I was at Nicole's desk as he walked by. I had my back to him so I couldn't really see him to give a proper hello. I went back to my desk and when he came back he made a point to say hello to me and smile. At 9:30 we had a meeting in Rob's office. MJ and Connie were late but we soon got it started. As the discussion went on Rob said he wanted us to create yahoo accounts and we needed to have yahoo messenger installed on our computers. He wanted Kevin to do it. He saw him walk by and got him in our meeting. I got a brooding smile. He said he was being brought to the principals office. Rob explained the yahoo thing. I could tell he didn't like this but he said nothing. He looked at me and then left. I was set with setting up the accounts then to let Kevin know. Our meeting ended and we went to order Jimmy Johns, Rob paid. When the food arrived we ate at our desks and he was around moving things. One of the sides was a large pickle. I had gone to both Nicole and MJ to offer. He happened to be around and looked at me of course. I acted cool. I got a big smile from him. After I set up the emails and my lunch was over I messaged him. Just as I suspected he wasn't pleased about Rob's request. He told me had there not been a crowd in there that conversation had gone differently. I told him I understood him and agreed. I know the trouble those things can be. I told him it wasn't my decision, I had no say and I was just doing as I was told. I had a double meaning there of sorts. We talked a bit more off and on. I asked about his weekend plans. He told me he was boring and I said I didn't buy that but if he felt that way maybe we can work on that.
Around 3 or so, we were informed we had to move. One of the bosses in out area "organized" it but failed to inform Rob promptly. Nicole had to go but I stayed and so did MJ and we got moved. I made sure I was on then end. For one I don't like the small cubes and two it will be easier to flirt with Kevin on the end. Three, the middle the isle ick. Of course IT wasn't involved in the move so all Kevin's work earlier was a waste. He won't be pleased him sure. I didn't end up seeing him before I left.
I drove home, stopped at Frontier for Avon and came home to watch Hawaii Five-o and Blue Bloods.