So, since I'm a tiny bit obsessed with When Calls the Heart, the Hallmark Channel Original TV Series, I have been writing down some of the dialog of my favorite scenes and Elizabeth's journal. So, here it begins. More for my own use but something I can refer back to I suppose when I may want or need it :)
#Hearties Group on Facebook Elizabeth Thatcher’s Journal / Letters
The Great Northwest 1910 (Canada)
When Calls the Heart
Season 1 Episode 1 - Lost & Found
Synopsis: Elizabeth Thatcher (Erin Krakow) arrives two days late to Coal Valley after an encounter with outlaws robbing the stage coach. She begin's her teaching career in Coal Valley, teaching out of the Saloon. The town was victim to a horrible mining accident six months before her arrival. When a wooden plank inscribed with a sentimental message is discovered in the mind, the newly appointed constable, Jack Thorton (Daniel Lissing) tried to discover the plank's rightful owner. Elizabeth struggles with capturing the enthusiasm of the students in the wake of the tragedy and makes a new friend in Abigail Stanton (Lori Loughlin) Jack soon discovers the real reason he was abruptly reassigned to the Coal Valley posting, changed from his dream posting in Cape Fullerton.
Perhaps it was Hubris or just stubborn pride that sent me on my journey west. My first instinct was to refuse the offer to teach in Coal Valley. My education certainly qualified me for the post, but I feared my privileged upbringing might leave me ill-prepared and unequipped to brave the hardships and dangers out west.
It was my sister, Julie who bolstered my resolve because she doubted my fortitude. She’d tried to frighten me with tales of cowboys, whiskey runners and outlaws, but it only embolden my determination to prove to her and my parents that I am Elizabeth Thatcher, a strong, independent, capable woman.
[I can face any obstacle with courage, grace and dignity.]
This was narrated at the beginning of the episode and I've watched the episode a number of times and cannot find where she continued this journal. I can only "deduce" (ok.. so that was a Sherlock mention that I could not help! However, Elizabeth does use this word when speaking to Jack outside of Abigail's after dinner) that the intention here is the first episode itself was an entire journal entry.
At the end of the episode, Elizabeth is shown writing what seems to be a letter (rather than a journal entry - since she has not yet received her journal from her parents, in a later episode) to her parents. I suppose the actual story serves as the entire letter to her parents and this is how she ends it.
In closing, I hope I have conveyed that despite the hardships in coming here
I am for want of nothing. I am standing strong on my own two feet, a proud Thatcher just like you raised.
Your loving daughter,
Post Script
I would however, mention that they have me teaching the children here in an actual saloon, so school supplies, or anything of cultural value you could send me, I would be eternally grateful.
Post-Post Script
Please greet my younger sister for me and pass along that I’ve yet to see any whiskey-runners, however I have run into some cowboys, outlaws and one very handsome, annoying Mountie.