Titanic's last sunset

Apr 14, 2014 19:57

Today in Titanic history...

This evening Titanic saw the last sunset it would ever see. Who knew that only about 6-7 hrs it would strike an iceberg and sink beneath the icy Northern Atlantic waters. This night would forever more be scrutinized, debated, recreated and remembered even after 102 years later. The souls who were lost have not been forgotten. The world learned many things from this horrible event. Then again, have we?

Titanic has always interested me, even as a young child. I've often been asked why found it so "appealing". This isn't something I've ever been to put into words. I have always been intrigued by history in general. I suppose the only explanation is the desire to keep the ship and crew alive. The James Cameron movie got it right when Rose says to Jack, "I'll never let go." Titanic symbolized the end of innocence for the era. The media blew up and the world was devastated and shocked. Not since the Civil War had we (America at least) experienced something so heart-wrenching. The ship may have belonged to Britain on paper but reality was she belonged to the world. She carried passengers and crew from almost all walks of life and counties.

I never want the lives lost, those who survived and those involved in her creation - from keel to drafting- to be forgotten. Shall we all forever learn from the wreck and remember the past. Forever commemorate them.

Below is what Titanic Belfast wrote (and the pic) on their Facebook page today after having a "Night to Remember" celebration at the exhibit.

Titanic sinks - April 15, 1912.
At 2.20am Titanic founders with the loss of 1,490 passengers and crew. The survivors (711 persons) were rescued by the Cunard liner Carpathia which answered Titanic’s wireless distress calls and raced to her last reported position of 41. 46N, 50.14 W.

Note: The figures for passenger and crew numbers are taken from the British Wreck Commissioner’s Report.

rms titanic, titanic belfast, history, titanic, via ljapp

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