Today was the memorial of Michael Jackson.
Of course, I was at work today during the live coverage of the public memorial. It started at 1 pm eastern, and 10 am pacific time.
I caught a little bit of it here and there today while at work.
But, I came home this evening and watched it.
Quite frankly, I bawled. It was not to be helped. Brooke Sheilds weaved a tale of he and her as kids having fun and laughing, smiling. It was obviously very hard for her to say the words she was speaking. Germaine sang Michael's favorite song, "Smile". I did not know it was written by Charlie Chaplin. Such a beautiful song. Usher was deeply moved. He was the only one who came off the stage and sang directly to Michael. The casket was sitting there in center stage, basked in light. Usher was tremendously upset as was most of the people. Al Sharpton, though he is loud, his words were powerful and so acurately true. What got me most of the ceremony though, was Paris, Michael's daughter.
"Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine," she said, dissolving into tears and turning to lean on her aunt Janet. "And I just wanted to say I love him - so much."
I can't say much more. My eyes hurt from the flood of tears over the 2 plus hours. I had to take my contacts out. My head hurts and I feel as though part of my childhood is gone. Very sad, very.