Aug 12, 2005 19:32
New house, new job. Sleep surrounded by trees and vociferant buggy friends. I dig the house. Don't have blinds yet, so on weekends I have a hard time sleeping past 7am (not an altogether bad thing), and it's possible the neighbors across the street are gettin' an eyeful because I like spending time in my living room scantily clad at night. Just how it is. Spend all day in constrictive buttoned-down threads, wanna come home and be naked.
The job is brainmeat-scramblingly tedious, as I'm rather certain it's supposed to be. Fuck it, it's income. Something I haven't been acquainted with in many moons.
At least I get to take my mp3 player and pretend I'm somewhere else. Been listening to a lot of the Bill Moyers interviews with Joseph Campbell. Because he was a maverick scholar above all else, Joe sometimes said stuff that makes me feel like maybe I didn't waste my entire college experience. Makes it easier to feel like things are okay, more or less the way they're supposed to be right now.
More recently I've been spending days with The Dark Tower series in audio format. So easy to draw parallels between DT and...well, everything. Wonderful amalgam of mythological constructs. Listened today with buddhism in mind and mulled over the end of book 7. Decided I don't feel as badly about it as I thought I did. I add with a twinge of selfconsciousness that I tend to develop serious emotional attachments to literary characters, particularly ones I may have spent ten years getting to know. I'm probably going to end up writing my masters' thesis on this shit, mark my words. The DT encompasses fucking everything...appropriately. I can tie it to anything from the Upanishads to Doctor fucking Seuss.
Thus wraps up the flow of verbal diarrhea for a little while. I just haven't been available for catching up...or the same time, for pretty much a month. I need to do something creative, but I find myself almost wholly without a method for expression. Not that there's a lot to express. "Fair to middling" is not exactly the mindframe from which I create easily. If I could accept being "okay" at stuff and "okay" where I am right now and not particularly brilliant at any one thing, I think I might be really disgustingly happy right now. As things are, I'm in a fairly sustainable good humor. Counts for something. Relationship is still...I don't know what the word is...fucking amazing? I'm trying to work on myself. With, I think, finally, some success.